This application allow you to watch your data in real-time (using a simple and documented protocol) or view them from files.
This crate make it easy to display the data from third-party applications.
(under development)
Prequites to use dataviewer are:
- Install rust toolchain:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh"
- Install GTK4 dependency:
sudo apt install libgtk-4-dev
- Install dataviewer itself from rust package manager:
cargo install dataviewer --locked
DataView format is a user-friendly format based on TOML.
Usage examples are available here:
Format is defined with SERDE here:
It can be easily read by a human and write by a machine. Example to plot some points:
#!/usr/bin/env dataviewer
type = "XY"
title = "Suite"
x_title = "x"
y_title = "y"
description = """
title = "Data"
1 = [
0, 0,
1, 1,
2, 2,
3, 4,
4, 8,
5, 16,
6, 32,
7, 64,
Data can be streamed in real-time through an ipc socket defined in /tmp/dataviewer.ipc. The ipc is using the same format than files. The only difference is each message/update must be termined by a NULL character. So, you may very well cat your dataview file in the ipc terminated by a '\0' followed up by updates each terminated by a '\0'.