Container images built using Bazel. Benefits include reproducibility, rebuild speed, composability.
Choose a commit and add the below to your WORKSPACE file:
name = "containers_by_bazel",
remote = "",
commit = "<commit-id>",
load("//scripts:repositories.bzl", "dependency_repositories")
load("@bazel_rules_container_test//container:repositories.bzl", container_test_repositories = "repositories")
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:repositories.bzl", docker_rules_repositories = "repositories")
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//repositories:deps.bzl", docker_rules_deps = "deps")
Create a BUILD file and use the name of the git repository prefixed with a @.
name = "jenkins_with_plugins",
base = "@containers_by_bazel//jenkins",
Create a BUILD file with the contents:
load("@containers_by_bazel//scripts/debian:dependencies.bzl", "dependencies")
name = "",
dependencies = glob(["dependencies/*"]),
target_prefix = "@containers_by_bazel"
Where the dependencies folder contains files in the format of the ones in scripts/debian/dependencies/
Then you'll need to pretty much copy scripts/
You can use the ./build_container script. It ensures that you cannot override the same tag with a different image.
bazel build //scripts/versions
source ./bazel-bin/scripts/versions/
./scripts/ //cassandra cassandra ${CASSANDRA_VERSION}
./scripts/ //dnsmasq dnsmasq ${DNSMASQ_VERSION}
./scripts/ //gerrit gerrit ${GERRIT_VERSION}
./scripts/ //grafana grafana ${GRAFANA_VERSION}
./scripts/ //java:zulu zulu ${JAVA_VERSION}
./scripts/ //jenkins jenkins ${JENKINS_VERSION}
./scripts/ //jenkins:agent jenkins-agent ${JENKINS_SWARM_VERSION}
./scripts/ //kafka kafka ${KAFKA_VERSION}
./scripts/ //nginx nginx ${NGINX_VERSION}
./scripts/ //nodejs nodejs ${NODEJS_VERSION}
./scripts/ //php php ${PHP_VERSION}
./scripts/ //postgresql postgresql ${POSTGRESQL_VERSION}
./scripts/ //postgresql:postgis postgis ${POSTGRESQL_VERSION}-${POSTGIS_VERSION}
./scripts/ //prometheus prometheus ${PROMETHEUS_VERSION}
./scripts/ //rabbitmq rabbitmq ${RABBITMQ_VERSION}
./scripts/ //redis redis ${REDIS_VERSION}
./scripts/ //sbt sbt ${SBT_VERSION}
./scripts/ //zipkin zipkin ${ZIPKIN_VERSION}
./scripts/ //zookeeper zookeeper ${ZOOKEEPER_VERSION}
To test:
bazel test //test/...
Create the docker containers to pull dependency versions from:
DOCKER_NO_CACHE=true ./scripts/docker/
Update dependencies in files:
911 nexus
912 jenkins
913 tomcat
915 zipkin
916 cassandra
917 elasticsearch
918 kafka
919 zookeeper
921 prometheus
922 grafana
923 kibana
929 envoy
930 nginx
931 redis
938 ejabberd
939 rabbitmq
941 postgres
951 gerrit