This application automatically ports user's google calendars to make it easier for groups to find time when everyone's free. Like when2meet, but better! Users select a date they want to meet, our application goes through user's schedule on given date and returns a free time slot where people are free.
Team members: Tracy Lam, Geoffrey Wiederecht, Jessica Yeh Demo Link:
Models and Description: User - has email and and - has many events Event - has a name, date (for now), with potential start and end time for future implementation - has many users Schedule - stores user's calendar in the database
- also created a join time for users and events (many to many relationship)
- Users can connect their Google Calendar
- Users can view their events for a given date
- Users can compare their calendar with another calendar for a given date
- A free event between the two calendars is returned. (working out the bugs)
- Users can create a collaborated event to save in the database.
- Still need to properly connect User and Event
Division of Labor: Jessica: Created models + database + controllers Geoffrey: Created events Tracy: Bootstrap + CSS + Views