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external handler for
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The general idea is that of the website receives a POST request and passes the data into handle() of, which contains all the if statements for each specific case.
  • Loading branch information
chfzhang authored Feb 2, 2018
1 parent d13c3be commit c9d704e
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 0 deletions.
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# Based on, changed to be more generic and to work with the website.
# Meant to be placed in the api directory of the website.
# Handle has a series of if statements for each task.
# Right now they all have placeholder code which just consists of emailing form information to designated recipients and the requester.
from api import gmailAPI as gmail

def handle(task_data):
name = task_data["0"]
group = task_data["1"]
task = task_data["2"]
priority = task_data["3"]
time = task_data["4"]
email = task_data["email"] # email of person submitting the form
if task == "Contacting someone from outside of ULAB":
contact = task_data["5"]
info = task_data["6"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "You have been assigned a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message = "{} wants you to contact {} from outside of ULAB with {} priority.\nExtra Information: {}\n".format(name, contact, priority, info)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(name)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])
if task == "Getting equipment":
equip = task_data["5"]
ref = task_data["6"]
cost = task_data["7"]
use = task_data["8"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "{} wants {} with {} priority".format(name, equip, priority)
message = "{} wants {}. Reference: {}, Est. Cost {}, Intended use {}".format(name, equip, ref, cost, use)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])
if task == "Getting information on a specific lab":
contact = task_data["5"]
info = task_data["6"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "{} wants information from {} with {} priority".format(name, contact, priority)
message = "{} wants information from {}.\n Note that {}".format(name, contact, info)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])
if task == "Recruiting":
position = task_data["5"]
desc = task_data["6"]
reqs = task_data["7"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "{} wants a new {} with {} priority".format(name, position, priority)
message = "{} wants a new {}.\nWork will involve {} and its requirements are {}".format(name, desc, reqs)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])
if task == "Publicizing something":
if task == "Reimbursement":
if task == "Booking a room":
if task == "Training for lab equipment":
if task == "Attaining certification status":
if task == "Expert Consulting":
if task == "Activity Development":
if task == "Securing Lab tours":

if task == "Curricular Development":
"This is actually a work-in-progress on the Google Forms"

if task == "Liaison Training":
requesters = task_data["5"]
liason_email = task_data["6"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "{} requests Liaison Training with {} priority".format(name, priority)
message = "{} from the {} request(s) training for {} with {} priority. Their email is {}.".format(name, group, requesters, priority, liason_email)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])

if task == "Make a change to the website":
change = task_data["5"]
desc = task_data["6"]
reason = task_data["7"]
sketch = task_data["8"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "{} requests a change to the website with {} priority".format(name, priority)
message = "{} from the {} requests (a/an) {} kind of change for the website. \nDescription of change: {} \nReasons for the change: {} \nOptional sketch for a design change: {}".format(name, group, change, desc, reason, sketch)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])

if task == "On Boarding":
recruit = task_data["5"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "{} needs {} to be On-Boarded with {} priority".format(name, recruit, priority)
message = "{} from the {} needs {} to be On-Boarded with {} priority.".format(name, group, recruit, priority)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])

if task == "Graphic Design":
request = task_data["5"]
deadline = task_data["6"]
theme = task_data["7"]
colors = task_data["8"]
sample = task_data["9"]
comments = task_data["10"]
recipients = get_recipients(group)
subject = "{} has a Graphic Design request with {} priority".format(name, priority)
message = "{} from the {} needs a {} with {} priority. \nThey need this by {}. Estimated time the project will take: {}. \nExtra Information: Theme: {}. Preferred Colors: {}. Inspirational Samples: {}. Additional Comments: {}.".format(name, group, request, priority, deadline, time, theme, colors, sample, comments)
subject2 = "You have requested a task with {} priority".format(priority)
message2 = "Task for '{}' has been assigned with {} priority.".format(task, priority)
return send_message([recipients, subject, message, subject2, message2, email])

#Other Case

def send_message(message):
for person in message[0]:
#Email for the assigned
gmail.send_email("[email protected]", person, message[1], message[2])
#Email for requester
gmail.send_email("[email protected]", message[5], message[3], message[4])

# Placeholder function for now
def get_recipients(group):
return ["[email protected]"]

# Contacting someone from outside of ULAB
# Getting equipment
# Getting information on a specific lab
# Recruiting
# Publicizing something
# Reimbursement
# Booking a room
# Training for lab equipment
# Attaining certification status
# Expert Consulting
# Activity Development
# Securing Lab tours
# Curricular Development
# Liaison Training
# Make a change to the website
# On Boarding
# Graphic Design

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