Apache REEF™ (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a scale-out computing fabric that simplifies the development of Big Data applications on top of resource managers (e.g., Apache YARN and Mesos). For example, Azure Stream Analytics is built on REEF and Hadoop.
This file will cover the very basics of compiling and testing REEF. Much more detailed information can be found in the following places:
The developer mailinglist is the best way to reach REEF's developers when the above aren't sufficient.
- Java 7 Development Kit
- Apache Maven 3 or newer. Make sure that
is in yourPATH
. - Protocol Buffers Compiler
version 2.5. Make sure that
is on yourPATH
. - For REEF.NET, you will also need Visual Studio 2013. Most REEF developers use the free Community Edition
The Java side of REEF is built using Apache Maven. To build, execute:
mvn -DskipTests clean install
To test, execute:
mvn test
Note that the tests will take several minutes to complete. You will also see stack traces fly by. Not to worry: Those are part of the tests that test REEF's error reporting.
REEF.NET uses REEF Java. In fact, the instructions below build REEF Java as part of building REEF.NET. Hence, the same requirements apply.
To build and test in Visual Studio, open
Alternatively, you can build REEF.NET from a developer command line via:
msbuild .\lang\cs\Org.Apache.REEF.sln
To test, execute the following command thereafter:
vstest.console.exe .\lang\cs\bin\x64\Debug\Org.Apache.REEF.Tests\Org.Apache.REEF.Tests.dll /Platform:x64
More detailed documentation, including building from PowerShell and creating NuGets is available from the project wiki, specifcially the building instructions.