Implements a truncated multivariate normal distribution.
Draws heavily on formulas from Manjunath Wilhem (2021)
Builds on Distributions.jl
# Define a distribution
d = TMvNormal(
ones((3,3)) + 5*I(3),
[-1, -1, -Inf],
[1, 2, 5]
rand(d, 5) # Produces a 5x3 matrix
pdf(d, zeros(3)) # evaluates the joint density
let d = 1
# evaluates the marginal univariate density along dimension d
pdf(d, 0, 1)
let i=1, j=2
# evalutes the marginal bivariate density along dimensions i and j
pdf(d, zeros(2), [1, 2])
cdf(d, zeros(3)) # evaluates the cdf
# Also evaluates first and second order moments
# As in intermediary step, uses Genz (1992) algorithm
# to compute the CDF of a multivariate normal distribution
# the latent untruncated normal is contained in d.𝒩
cdf(𝒩, zeros(3))
Manjunath, B. G. and Stefan Wilhelm. “Moments Calculation for the Doubly Truncated Multivariate Normal Density.” (2021).