Lepton 1.4.0 Released!
Lepton is FREE.
If you like it, just STAR it ;)Donation
We don't accept donation personally. If you like, feel free to donate to Wikimedia Foundation, which helps sustain free knowledge through Wikipedia and its sister projects for people around the world. You are welcome to create an issue to share how much you have contributed.
New Feature
- [DNLHC] Improve the style for horizontal navigation bar: #154
- [DNLHC] Set max-height for expanded tag section: #157
- [DNLHC] Improve snippet panel's paddings: #156
- [DNLHC] Improve sync progress bar style: #158
- [cixuuz] Adopt Webpack 3: #165
- [cixuuz] Acknowledge Evil icons: #160
- [YYSU] Fix broken link for Lepton's license file: #138
- Lepton-1.4.0-mac.zip
- Lepton-1.4.0.dmg
Windows (x64)
- Lepton-Setup-1.4.0.exe
- Lepton-1.4.0-win.7z
- Lepton-1.4.0-x86_64.AppImage