Docker image definition with compiled SRT live streaming protocol
- Ensure you have docker installed
- Type:
docker pull jcenzano/docker-srt
- Ensure you have docker docker and make installed
- Type
- You can test the image with this command (you should see srt help):
docker run --rm -it jcenzano/docker-srt
- To test it in a single machine with real live video, if you have ffmpeg installed you can do:
#Terminal 1: Run SRT RX
MY_IP="" #Replace it with your machine's IP
docker run --name='srt-rx' -it --rm jcenzano/docker-srt -v -r:10 -s:5 "srt://" "udp://$MY_IP:7010?mode=client"
#Terminal 2: Run SRT TX
docker run --name='srt-tx' --link='srt-rx' -it --rm -p 7000:7000/udp jcenzano/docker-srt -v -r:10 -s:5 "udp://:7000" "srt://srt-rx:9000?mode=client"
#Terminal 3: Run ffplay viewer
ffplay udp://
#Terminal 4: Run ffmpeg source
ffmpeg -f lavfi -re -i smptebars=duration=60:size=1280x720:rate=30 -f lavfi -re -i sine=frequency=1000:duration=60:sample_rate=44100 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -b:v 1000k -g 30 -keyint_min 120 -profile:v baseline -preset veryfast -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 96k -f mpegts "udp://"
The docker container is executing stransmit
from SRT, so you can use any of the SRT options.
Note: It is important to point out that if you use UDP as input of SRT the payload of the UDP packets has to be smaller or equal to 1456 bytes (See: Haivision/srt#86)