Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm passionate about creating beautiful, responsive, and accessible web experiences. Let's build something amazing together!
- SSR/SSG implementation for optimal performance
- Integrated Leaflet.js maps & React Player
- Automated CI/CD with GitHub Actions
- Responsive e-commerce interface
- Interactive product catalog
- Seamless checkout experience
- Dynamic data fetching from PokeAPI
- Interactive card-based UI
- Responsive grid layout
🎓 Web Development – Front-End Design (Postgraduate)
📘 Focus: Advanced UI/UX, Responsive Design, Industry Workflows
🎓 Web Programming & Development Certificate
🎓 Computer Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma
📘 Core Studies: React, Vue.js, Laravel, MySQL, C-family languages
- Implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
- Exploring Micro-frontend Architectures
- Mastering Performance Optimization Techniques