Another easy and convenient way to integrate Magisk, add support boot.img
for Magisk into Android-x86 project (BlissOS, PrimeOS, ...). Check out Wiki page for install instructions and more information.
If you want to merge initrd-magisk support directly into initrd.img
instead of using split two initrd image, you can build initrd-magisk
with all files added from initrd.img
into initrd/first_stage
, initrd-magisk
will then stop finding original initrd.
You can make initrd-magisk.img
pre-rooted with Magisk by default (user can still have choice to uninstall magisk through Magisk app if they don't need): decompress boot.img.gz
to boot.img
, patch boot image through Magisk app. Compress patched boot image with gzip format and put it as initrd/boot.img.gz
- Prepare environment:
- For Termux (Android):
apt update; apt upgrade; pkg install git; pkg install cpio
- For Ubuntu (Linux):
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install cpio
- Clone this repo by:
git clone
- Change current directory to
cd ~/initrd-magisk/initrd
- Build with these command:
chmod -R 777 *; ln -fs /bin/ lib/; find * | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd-magisk.img
- Magisk: The most famous root solution on Android