This package allows send differents waypoints to the navigation stack of ROS (kinetic). It can be used with the GUI interface in RVIZ or calling their services.
Clone and compile this package in your catkin_ws
Launch your robot and the navigation stack of your choice. After start the waypoints server
rosrun waypoints waypoints_server
To create a new waypoint by console, you have to publish in the topic /waypoint giving the name and the pose of the waypoint.
rostopic pub /waypoint waypoints/waypoint_msg "name: ''
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
w: 0.0"
- Create/delete waypoints
- Create/delete a group of waypoints
- Run waypoint/group.
- Run group in a loop. You can chose from which waypoint start the movement
- Save and load waypoints and groups. (create two texts files that can be edited manually)
- Stop movement
In this video you can watch how this server works.