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4. Tutorial on pathway prediction

Abdurrahman Abul-Basher edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 7 revisions


triUMPF is used to accurately predict pathways in both organismal and multi-organismal genomes. This tutorial is meant to walk you through the basic steps of pathway prediction using either your own input data or the test data provided by us. Once the input (in the specified format below), trained model, and other required files are provided, a detailed pathway report is generated that can be used for further analysis.

Note: Make sure to put the source code triUMPF/ (see Installing triUMPF) into the same directory as explained in the Download files section. Also, create a folder result/ in the same triUMPF_materials/ directory. The final structure of the folder should look like this:

	├── objectset/
        │       └── ...
	├── model/
        │       └── ...
	├── dataset/
        │       └── ...
	├── result/
        │       └── ...
	└── triUMPF/
                └── ...

For all experiments, using a terminal (On Linux and macOS) or an Anaconda command prompt (On Windows), navigate to the src/ folder in the triUMPF/ directory and then run the commands as shown in the Examples section.

To display triUMPF' running options use: python --help. It should be self-contained.

Table of Contents


The input for pathway predictions is either a .pf file generated directly by MetaPathways v2 or a .pkl file generated after following the steps under Advanced usage. One can also use the files provided by us.

Files required for predictions:

In addition to the input data, some of the object files listed here are also required to carry out a successful run. The required object files include:

  • biocyc.pkl
  • pathway2ec.pkl
  • pathway2ec_idx.pkl
  • hin.pkl
  • pathway2vec_embeddings.npz
  • triUMPF.pkl


The basic command is represented below. Do not use this to run pathway predictions. This command is only a representation of all the flags used. See Examples below on how to carry out pathway prediction.

python \
--predict \
--pathway-report \
--parse-pf \
--object-name "biocyc.pkl" \
--pathway2ec-idx-name "pathway2ec_idx.pkl" \
--pathway2ec-name "pathway2ec.pkl" \
--hin-name "hin.pkl" \
--features-name "pathway2vec_embeddings.npz" \
--X-name "[DATANAME]_Xe.pkl" \
--file-name "[FILENAME]" \
--model-name "triUMPF" \
--dsfolder "[input dataset folder]" \
--ospath "[absolute path to the object files directory (e.g. objectset)]" \
--dspath "[absolute path to the dataset directory (e.g. dataset)]" \
--mdpath "[absolute path to the model directory (e.g. model)]" \
--rspath "[absolute path to the result directory (e.g. result)]" \
--batch 50\
--num-jobs 2 


  1. Keep in mind that while running the command with --parse-pf, DATANAME in both arguments --X-name "[DATANAME]_Xe.pkl" and --file-name "[DATANAME]" should be the same.
  2. Use the --parse-pf flag only if the input to triUMPF is a .pf file(s).

Argument descriptions:

The table below summarizes all the command-line arguments that are specific to this framework:

Argument name Description Value
--predict Predicting bags_labels distribution from inputs using triUMPF False
--pathway-report Enables to generate a detailed report for pathways for each instance False
--parse-pf Boolean variable implying whether to parse Pathologic format file (.pf) from a given folder False
--object-name The preprocessed MetaCyc database file used for predictions biocyc.pkl
--pathway2ec-name The matrix file representing Pathway-EC association pathway2ec.pkl
--pathway2ec-idx-name The pathway2ec association indices file pathway2ec_idx.pkl
--hin-name The heterogeneous information network file hin.pkl
--features-name The features corresponding ECs and pathways pathway2vec_embeddings.npz
--X-name The Input file name to be provided for predictions [DATANAME]_Xe.pkl
--file-name The names of input preprocessed files (without extension) [FILENAME]
--model-name The name of the model excluding any **EXTENSION ** triUMPF
--dsfolder The dataset folder name [Input dataset folder]
--ospath The path to the data object that contains extracted information from the MetaCyc database (e.g. biocyc.pkl) Outside source code
--dspath The path to the datasets [Outside source code]
--mdpath The path to the pre-trained model (e.g. triUMPF.pkl) [Outside source code]
--rspath The path to store results [Outside source code]
--batch Batch size 50
--num-jobs The number of parallel workers 2


The output files generated after running the command are:

With --parse-pf flag: (see Example 1):

File Description
[FILENAME]_Xa.pkl A matrix file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing information about organisms (or multi-organisms). Each row in this matrix represents an organism or multi-organisms and columns indicate EC number indices and abundance features.
[FILENAME]_Xc.pkl A matrix file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing information about organisms (or multi-organisms). Each row in this matrix represents an organism or multi-organisms and columns indicate EC number indices and coverage features.
[FILENAME]_Xe.pkl A matrix file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing information about organisms (or multi-organisms). Each row in this matrix represents an organism or multi-organisms and columns indicate EC number indices and embeddings.
[FILENAME]_Xea.pkl A matrix file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing information about organisms (or multi-organisms). Each row in this matrix represents an organism or multi-organisms and columns indicate EC number indices and abundance features.
[FILENAME]_Xec.pkl A matrix file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing information about organisms (or multi-organisms). Each row in this matrix represents an organism or multi-organisms and columns indicate EC number indices and coverage features.
[FILENAME]_Xm.pkl A matrix file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing information about organisms (or multi-organisms). Each row in this matrix represents an organism or multi-organisms and columns indicate EC number indices, embeddings, abundance, and coverage features.
[FILENAME]_y_triumpf.pkl A binary matrix indicating the presence/absence of pathway indices (2526 entries) for each organism (or multi-organisms).
[FILENAME]_labels_triumpf.pkl A file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing a list of pathway names for each organism (or multi-organisms).
pathway_report.tsv Pathway report files (tab-separated values) indicating all predicted pathways, their associated scores, abundance values, and the mapped EC numbers. These files are stored in each folder of each organisms ids in the "rspath" location

Without --parse-pf flag: (see Example 2):

File Description
[FILENAME]_y_triumpf.pkl A binary matrix indicating the presence/absence of pathway indices (2526 entries) for each organism (or multi-organisms).
[FILENAME]_labels_triumpf.pkl A file (stored in the "dspath" location) representing a list of pathway names for each organism (or multi-organisms).
pathway_report.tsv Pathway report files (tab-separated values) indicating all predicted pathways, their associated scores, abundance values, and the mapped Enzyme Commission (EC numbers). These files are stored in each folder of each organisms ids in the "rspath" location

Without --pathway-report and --parse-pf flags: (see Example 3)

File Description
[FILENAME]_y_triumpf.pkl A binary matrix indicating the presence/absence of pathway indices (2526 entries) for each organism (or multi-organisms).


Example 1:

To predict outputs and compile pathway report from the "three_ecoli" data, generated by MetaPathways v2, using a pre-trained model ("triUMPF.pkl"), execute the following command:

python --predict --pathway-report --parse-pf --object-name "biocyc.pkl" --pathway2ec-idx-name "pathway2ec_idx.pkl" --pathway2ec-name "pathway2ec.pkl" --hin-name "hin.pkl" --features-name "pathway2vec_embeddings.npz" --X-name "three_ecoli_Xe.pkl" --file-name "three_ecoli" --model-name "triUMPF" --dsfolder "three_ecoli" --num-jobs 2

Upon executing this command, the "three_ecoli_Xe.pkl" (along with other feature files) will be produced. You can also see that in both arguments: --X-name "three_ecoli_Xe.pkl" and --file-name "three_ecoli", the same name that is **three_ecoli ** is applied.

After running the command, the output will be saved to the dataset/ and result/ folders. Since the --build-features flag is used in this example, all the feature files as described in the table above are generated. The tree structure for the folder with the outputs will look like this:

	├── objectset/
        │       └── ...
	├── model/
        │       └── ...
	├── dataset/
        │       ├── three_ecoli_ids.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_X.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_Xa.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_Xc.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_Xe.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_Xea.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_Xec.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_Xm.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_labels_triumpf.pkl
        │       ├── three_ecoli_y_triumpf.pkl
        │       └── ...
	├── result/
        │       ├── three_ecoli
        |       |         ├── CFT073 
        |       |         │      └── pathway_report.tsv
        |       |         ├── EDL933 
        |       |         │      └── pathway_report.tsv
        |       |         └── MG1655 
        |       |                └── pathway_report.tsv
        │       └── ...
	└── triUMPF/
                └── ...

A visual depiction of the pathway_report.tsv file generated in the result/ directory for E.coli EDL933 is shown below. Each pathway predicted (shown in column 1 and 2) has an associated score, abundance value, coverage, and the enzymes that map to that particular pathway (shown in columns 3 to 7).

FrameID Name Score Predicted Abundance Coverage MappedEC
VALSYN-PWY L-valine biosynthesis 1 1 9 1 EC-, EC-, EC-, EC-
PWY0-541 cyclopropane fatty acid (CFA) biosynthesis 1 1 1 1 EC-
PWY-5971 palmitate biosynthesis II (bacteria and plants) 1 1 1.24 0.45 EC-, EC-, EC-, EC-
PLPSAL-PWY pyridoxal 5'-phosphate salvage I 1 1 1.16 1 EC-, EC-
PWY-7227 adenosine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 1 1 5 1 EC-, EC-
GLYOXYLATE-BYPASS glyoxylate cycle 1 1 5 0.80 EC-, EC-, EC-, EC-

Example 2:

To predict outputs (without generating all the feature files) and compile pathway report from a preprocessed dataset (e.g. "three_ecoli_Xe.pkl" in the above example or "symbionts_Xe.pkl") using a pre-trained model ("triUMPF.pkl"), execute the following command:

python --predict --pathway-report --object-name "biocyc.pkl" --pathway2ec-idx-name "pathway2ec_idx.pkl" --pathway2ec-name "pathway2ec.pkl" --hin-name "hin.pkl" --features-name "pathway2vec_embeddings.npz" --X-name "symbionts_Xe.pkl" --file-name "symbionts" --model-name "triUMPF" --num-jobs 2

After running the command, the output will be saved to the dataset/ and result/ folder. The output files described in the table above are generated. The tree structure for the folder with the outputs will look like this:

	├── objectset/
        │       └── ...
	├── model/
        │       └── ...
	├── dataset/
        │       ├── symbionts_labels_triumpf.pkl
        │       ├── symbionts_y_triumpf.pkl
        │       └── ...
	├── result/
        │       ├── symbionts
        |       |       ├── 0 
        |       |       │   └── pathway_report.tsv
        |       |       ├── 1 
        |       |       │   └── pathway_report.tsv
        |       |       └── 2 
        |       |           └── pathway_report.tsv
        |       └── ...
	└── triUMPF/
                └── ...

The pathway_report.tsv file generated in the result/ directory has the same structure as the one shown under Example 1.

Example 3:

To predict outputs from a dataset (e.g. "cami_Xe.pkl") without --pathway-report and --parse-pf flags using a pre-trained model ("triUMPF.pkl") execute the following command:

python --predict --X-name "cami_Xe.pkl" --file-name "cami" --model-name "triUMPF" --num-jobs 2

After running the command, the output will be saved to the dataset/ folder. The output file described in the table above is generated. The tree structure for the folder with the output will look like this:

	├── objectset/
        │       └── ...
	├── model/
        │       └── ...
	├── dataset/
        │       ├── cami_y_triumpf.pkl
        │       └── ...
	├── result/     
        │       └── ...
	└── triUMPF/
                └── ...

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