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Dockerized BlueSpice Free Edition v4

BlueSpice free is an entry-level, no-cost version of BlueSpice pro. It sits on top of an existing MediaWiki without interfering with its architecture, adds lots of user-friendly features and supplements it with a multitude of helpful functions for teams and small businesses.
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Table of contents

Version Info

This docker-bluespice-free is currently based on BlueSpice 4

Quick start

  1. Using docker cli:
    • To continue with the default config, create new .env:
      cp ./example.env ./.env
    • Set env vars:
      export $(grep -v '^#' ./.env | xargs)
    • Build docker image:
      docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG --build-arg HTTP_PORT=$HTTP_PORT --build-arg HTTPS_PORT=$HTTPS_PORT .
      Note: If the data folder is inside the project dir, then also add this path in the .dockerignore
    • Create and run docker container:
      docker run \
      --env-file ./.env \
      -p $HTTP_PORT:$HTTP_PORT \
      -v $WIKI_INSTALL_DIR:/data \
  2. Using bluespice cli: Quickly setup bluespice mediawiki on your system using followng steps:
    • Go inside the docker-bluespice-free directory after cloning it:
      • cd docker-bluespice-free
    • Activate SSL (optional)
    • Setup virtual environment and install dependencies:
      • make run
    • Setup Configuration in .env file (optional)
    • Build and start docker container:
      • ./bluespice -bs
    • After this the bluespice docker should start spinning up and install all the required dependencies. This could take some time (about 10 minutes). After that open your browser and go to BS_URL.
    • Enter the username as BS_USER and password as BS_PASSWORD to login.


  • python >= 3.10
  • pip >= 22.0
  • docker >= 20.10


(NOTE: Currently HTTP_PORT only works with port 80, changing it to will cause internal nginx redirection issues)

name default value description
BS_LANG en bluespice language
BS_URL http://localhost url on which bluespice will be served
BS_USER WikiSysop admin username
BS_NAME Bluespice default wiki name
BS_PASSWORD PleaseChangeMe admin password
BS_DB_PASSWORD ThisIsDBPassword default database password
HTTP_PORT 80 server http port
HTTPS_PORT 443 server https port
IMAGE_NAME bslocal/bsfree docker image name to be created
IMAGE_TAG 4.4.0 docker image tag
DISABLE_PINGBACK no sends pingback to the bluespice servers
WIKI_INSTALL_DIR1 ~/wiki dir where bluespice files will be stored
WIKI_BACKUP_LIMIT2 5 max limit of backups, after this the oldest backup is deleted

1: During first boot, a pingback is sent to our servers for collecting download statistics of the docker image. This pingback is not collecting any data of your container or your current installation. You can also easily disable this pingback by setting it yes.

2: If WIKI_INSTALL_DIR path is changed and if this directory is inside the current projcet folder (docker-bluespice-free/) then also add the path in .dockerignore and .gitignore.

Activating SSL

Create a folder named cert inside your data folder. Inside this folder, certificates must be named like:

  • ssl.cert (SSL certificate. mandatory)
  • ssl.key (Private key of ssl.cert. mandatory)
  • (3rd party CA certs for ssl.cert. optional)

After adding the certificates, also update the BS_URL config to https. Restart the bluespice container using ./bluespice --restart or continue with Quick start.

Which services are runnning?

  • Nginx
  • Jetty9
  • Opensearch
  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • Parsoid
  • crond
  • memcached

Bluespice CLI

usage: ./bluespice [-h] [-r] [-R] [-z] [-s] [-d] [-b] [-l]


-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-r, --restart         restarts the wiki container
-R, --hard_restart    removes the container, deletes the local image, rebuilds image and then start the container again.
-z, --stop            stops the running wiki container
-s, --start           starts the bluespice wiki container
-d, --clean_dangling  cleans the docker of all the dangling images
-b, --build           builds the bluespice wiki container
-l, --logs            stream logs from current wiki installation


  • Fixed data, config and local settings not getting copied while restoring wiki
  • Added makefile installer
  • Added bluespice cli
  • Updated config
  • Added wiki backup threshold limit


BlueSpice Enterprise Wiki Free Edition for Docker builds.






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Contributors 4
