Get information about restaurants from Zomato API
The backend was developed in Node (v10.16.2) and deployment of application was done in Heroku.
- Deploy available at Backend
- I chose to use node-geocoder with Here to consult any address and get the latitude and longitude.
Features available:
- Categories get a simple categories list of restaurants.
- Best Near Restaurants(example of New York City) get information of the best restaurants from anywhere you want.
In the case of the route Best Near Restaurants you need to pass the some address as a paramter like "best_near?place=New York City"
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:hi15/best-restaurant-backend.git
Change directory to the repository:
cd best-restaurant-backend/
Use yarn (Recommended) or npm to install the packages.
yarn install
Configure the file .env:
cp .env.example .env
Set the varibles in .env file:
If you want to test quicky get my personal env configuratoin:
Now run application:
yarn nodemon src/server.js
Now run application tests with command :
yarn test
It will print the results of the tests and the coverage of backend.