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Update API URLs to typical path, update other links, and use https #101

Update API URLs to typical path, update other links, and use https

Update API URLs to typical path, update other links, and use https #101

name: "Pull Request Checks"
on: pull_request
# Ensure that the changelog file has been updated in this PR
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: dangoslen/changelog-enforcer@v3
# Ensure that markdown files are formatted consistently (according to .markdownlint.yml)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Fetch the Wikimate code into the Actions runner
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install the markdownlint-problem-matcher action
uses: xt0rted/markdownlint-problem-matcher@v2
- name: Install markdownlint-cli
run: npm install -g markdownlint-cli
- name: List files that will be processed
run: npx --silent glob '**/*.md'
- name: Run markdownlint
run: markdownlint '**/*.md'