- Han Fang ([email protected])
- Srividya Ramakrishnan ([email protected])
- Fritz Sedlazeck ([email protected])
Traversing & finding the longest path (most confident haplotype) in a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG).
- At the initial construction step, it splits regions of a chromosome by structural variants and creates a weighted DAG.
- Then it updates the weights of the edges according to barcodes information (and/or other quality metrics) from the script barcode_profiles.py.
- Finally Topsorter performs topological sorting of the graph and finds the longest path (the most confident haplotype).
- Input: vcf file
- Output: PDF files of graphs for each chromosme, longest paths
- Command:
python topsorter.py $vcf
Building barcode profile for the alignments and count the overlapping barcodes for every split region of a chromosome
Extract alignments from every split region in to a bam file and index them
Identify the barcodes in each of these split regions and count number of reads per barcode
Count the barcode overlaps between the split regions of interest
Input: Phased bam file from 10x data, Constructed split regions in bed format using Topsorter class (func exportVCFBed )
Output: directory containing files overlapping_reads.bam overlapping_reads.bam.bai reads_barcode_profile.txt barcode_overlaps_between_regions.txt
Command: ./barcode_profiles.py -bam <input phased bam> -bed <input constructed bed file> -o <output dir name>