Combing quantum computing using Qiskit with my Mask R-CNN model using PyTorch.
You may be asking, what is Quantum Mask R-CNN
That's a great question!
Let's first break down its name, then explain its process and applications!
NN stands for neural network. A neural network is officially called an "Artificial neural networks". They are an artificial intelligence structure model inspired by the biological neural networks, such as how humans think. Neural networks uses a method of nodes and edges, computing a series of algorithms that recognize underlying relationships in a set of data, while adapting to changing or varying input.
CNN stands for Convolutional neural network. A CNN is commonly applied to analyzing visual imagery, such as with MASK R-CNN's use case of instance segmentation. CNNs have a linear flow between an input layer and in output layer, but with the added feature of many hidden layers inbetween that processes information
R-CNN stands for Regional-based Convolutional neural network. It's a faster form of CNN that uses selective search, it identifies a manageable number of bounding-box object region candidates (“region of interest” or “RoI”). Then runs the CNN input layer on each RoI in parallel, thus reducing the processing time dramatically.
Mask R-CNN, is the inclusion of Masks as a form of additional data. As the bounding boxes are being generated within them, pixels within the boxes are analyzed by a weighted percentage using cross product matrix calculations, as opposed to the dot product calculations used by RCNN for bounding boxes, to return a filled in outline of the object in analysis, known as a mask.
Quantum Mask R-CNN, is my take on the neural network architecture, using Qiskit and quantum computing circuits to significantly speed up the process of both training a model and running the model on images or videos. Through parameter binding and expectation value evaluation, tensorization process can be optimized for each pixel.
Overview on how to install Step 1: create a conda virtual environment with python 3.6 Step 2: install the dependencies Step 3: Clone the Mask_RCNN repo Step 4: install pycocotools Step 5: download the pre-trained weights Step 6: Test it
Step 1 - Create a conda virtual environment we will be using Anaconda with python 3.6.
If you don't have Anaconda, follow this tutorial
run this command in a CMD window conda create -n MaskRCNN python=3.6 pip
Step 2 - Install the Dependencies First install Qiskit from Then place the requirements.txt in your cwdir run these commands
actvitate MaskRCNN pip install -r requirements.txt NOTE: we're installing these (tf-gpu requires some pre-reqs)
numpy, scipy, cython, h5py, Pillow, scikit-image, tensorflow-gpu==1.5, keras, jupyter
Step 3 - Clone the Mask RCNN Repo Run this command git clone Step 4 - Install pycocotools NOTE: pycocotools requires Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools download here if needed
clone this repo
git clone use pip to install pycocotools pip install git+
Step 5 - Download the Pre-trained Weights Go here download the mask_rcnn_coco.h5 file place the file in the Mask_RCNN directory
Step 6 - Let's Test it! open up the demo.ipynb and run it
Quick setup will only use the basic features required and can only support images Requirements Python 3.4, TensorFlow 1.3, Keras 2.0.8 and other common packages listed in requirements.txt.
MS COCO Requirements: To train or test on MS COCO, you'll also need:
pycocotools (installation instructions below) MS COCO Dataset Download the 5K minival and the 35K validation-minus-minival subsets. More details in the original Faster R-CNN implementation. If you use Docker, the code has been verified to work on this Docker container.
Installation Clone this repository
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt Run setup from the repository root directory
python3 install Download pre-trained COCO weights (mask_rcnn_coco.h5) from the releases page.
(Optional) To train or test on MS COCO install pycocotools from one of these repos. They are forks of the original pycocotools with fixes for Python3 and Windows (the official repo doesn't seem to be active anymore).
Linux: Windows: You must have the Visual C++ 2015 build tools on your path (see the repo for additional details)
Please Install Anaconda and Jupyter Notebooks:
Open up anaconda command prompt:
Once inside, activate your virtual environment that you went through my setup instructions with by: conda activate
If you don't remember the name of it, you can run: conda env list
Then, cd to your file directory where you cloned my MASK R-CNN repo:
e.g. cd c:\mask-rcnn
Now launch Jupyter Notebook by typing simply:
Jupyter Notebook
Click on demo.ipynb and you should see this:
Now you can start running of the cells by clicking the "Run" button **Note: when a cell is running, instead of displaying a number, it will display [], please make sure you wait till it goes back to a number, such as [17], before you run the next cell, it takes time for first setup, but once you do it once it'll be faster
When running the cells, you may see some errors, but you can ignore them, as they are warning about depreciated dependencies, which are perfectly okay in our case because all my depreciated dependencies either depend on the correct legacy/archived versions of each other or are standalone with independent function calls, basically its like a fusion between the past and the future, sorta like time dilation lol
When you run the final step, it will take a random picture from the "images" folder and apply instance segmentation on it, only images directly in the directory will be ran, the images in subfolders are just for you to test with, copy and paste whichever one you want to run
Once your at this step, you can keep running the cell over and over again, changing images inbetween! Make sure click the box each time you run to see the output, which will be png that you can open in a new tab and save as your desktop background!
If you would like to read more about Mask R-CNN or Quantum Computing, you can read the following: