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Google::BigQuery - Google BigQuery Client Library for Perl


use Google::BigQuery;

my $client_email = <YOUR CLIENT EMAIL ADDRESS>;
my $private_key_file = <YOUR PRIVATE KEY FILE>;
my $project_id = <YOUR PROJECT ID>;

# create a instance
my $bq = Google::BigQuery::create(
  client_email => $client_email,
  private_key_file => $private_key_file,
  project_id => $project_id,

# create a dataset
my $dataset_id = <YOUR DATASET ID>;
  dataset_id => $dataset_id

# create a table
my $table_id = 'sample_table';
  table_id => $table_id,
  schema => [
    { name => "id", type => "INTEGER", mode => "REQUIRED" },
    { name => "name", type => "STRING", mode => "NULLABLE" }

if ($bq->is_error) {
	# $bq->error_message  # string with error message

# load
my $load_file = "load_file.tsv";
open my $out, ">", $load_file or die;
for (my $id = 1; $id <= 100; $id++) {
  if ($id % 10 == 0) {
    print $out join("\t", $id, undef), "\n";
  } else {
    print $out join("\t", $id, "name-${id}"), "\n";
close $out;

  table_id => $table_id,
  data => $load_file,
unlink $load_file;

# insert
my $values = [];
for (my $id = 101; $id <= 103; $id++) {
  push @$values, { id => $id, name => "name-${id}" };
  table_id => $table_id,
  values => $values,

if ($bq->is_error) {
	# $bq->error_message  # string with error message

# The first time a streaming insert occurs, the streamed data is inaccessible for a warm-up period of up to two minutes.

# selectrow_array
my ($count) = $bq->selectrow_array(query => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_id");
if ($bq->is_error) {
	# $bq->error_message  # string with error message
else {
    print $count, "\n"; # 103

# selectall_arrayref
my $aref = $bq->selectall_arrayref(query => "SELECT * FROM $table_id ORDER BY id");
if ($bq->is_error) {
	# $bq->error_message  # string with error message

foreach my $ref (@$aref) {
  print join("\t", @$ref), "\n";

# drop table
$bq->drop_table(table_id => $table_id);

# drop dataset
$bq->drop_dataset(dataset_id => $dataset_id);


Google::BigQuery - Google BigQuery Client Library for Perl (with convenient errors check)


cpanm Google::BigQuery

If such a following error occurrs,

--> Working on Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS12-0.6 ... N/A
! Configure failed for Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS12-0.6. See /home/vagrant/.cpanm/work/1416208473.2527/build.log for details.

For now, you can work around it as below.

# cd workdir
cd /home/vagrant/.cpanm/work/1416208473.2527/Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS12-0.7
rm -fr inc
cpanm Module::Install

### If you are a Mac user, you might also need the following steps.
# 1. Install new OpenSSL library and header.
# brew install openssl
# 2. Add a lib_path and a includ_path to the Makefile.PL.
# --- Makefile.PL.orig    2013-12-01 07:41:25.000000000 +0900
# +++ Makefile.PL 2014-11-18 11:58:39.000000000 +0900
# @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
#  requires_external_cc();
# -cc_inc_paths('/usr/include/openssl', '/usr/local/include/ssl', '/usr/local/ssl/include');
# -cc_lib_paths('/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib', '/usr/local/ssl/lib');
# +cc_inc_paths('/usr/local/opt/openssl/include', '/usr/include/openssl', '/usr/local/include/ssl', '/usr/local/ssl/include');
# +cc_lib_paths('/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib', '/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib', '/usr/local/ssl/lib');

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install


See details of option at

  • create

    Create a instance.

      my $bq = Google::BigQuery::create(
        client_email => $client_email,            # required
        private_key_file => $private_key_file,    # required
        project_id => $project_id,                # optional
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,                # optional
        scope => \@scope,                         # optional (default is '')
        version => $version,                      # optional (only 'v2')
  • use_project

    Set a default project.

  • use_dataset

    Set a default dataset.

  • create_dataset

    Create a dataset.

      $bq->create_dataset(              # return 1 (success) or 0 (error)
        project_id => $project_id,      # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,      # required if default dataset is not set
        access => \@access,             # optional
        description => $description,    # optional
        friendlyName => $friendlyName,  # optional
  • drop_dataset

    Drop a dataset.

      $bq->drop_dataset(              # return 1 (success) or 0 (error)
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required
        deleteContents => $boolean,   # optional
  • show_datasets

    List datasets.

      $bq->show_datasets(             # return array of dataset_id
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        all => $boolean,              # optional
        maxResults => $maxResults,    # optional
        pageToken => $pageToken,      # optional

    Use get_nextPageToken() if you want to use pageToken.

      $bq->show_datasets(maxResults => 1);
      my $nextPageToken = $bq->get_nextPageToken;
      $bq->show_datasets(maxResults => 1, nextPageToken => $nextPageToken);
  • desc_dataset

    Describe a dataset. This method returns a Datasets resource. See datails of a Datasets resource at

      $bq->desc_dataset(              # return hashref of datasets resource
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required if default project is not set
  • create_table

    Create a table.

      $bq->create_table(                    # return 1 (success) or 0 (error)
        project_id => $project_id,          # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,          # required if default project is not set
        table_id => $table_id,              # required
        description => $description,        # optional
        expirationTime => $expirationTime,  # optional
        friendlyName => $friendlyName,      # optional
        schema => \@schma,                  # optional
        view => $query,                     # optional
  • drop_table

    Drop a table.

      $bq->drop_table(                # return 1 (success) or 0 (error)
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required
        table_id => $table_id,        # required
  • show_tables

    List tables.

      $bq->show_tables(               # return array of table_id
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required if default project is not set
        maxResults => $maxResults,    # optioanl
        pageToken => $pageToken,      # optional

    Use get_nextPageToken() if you want to use pageToken.

      $bq->show_tables(maxResults => 1);
      my $nextPageToken = $bq->get_nextPageToken;
      $bq->show_tables(maxResults => 1, nextPageToken => $nextPageToken);
  • desc_table

    Describe a table. This method returns a Tables resource. See datails of a Tables resource at

      $bq->desc_table(                # return hashref of tables resource
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required if default project is not set
        table_id => $table_id,        # required
  • load

    Load data from one of several formats into a table.

      $bq->load(                                  # return 1 (success) or 0 (error)
        project_id => $project_id,                # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,                # required if default project is not set
        table_id => $table_id,                    # required
        data => $data,                            # required (specify a local file or Google Cloud Storage URIs)
        allowJaggedRows => $boolean,              # optional
        allowQuotedNewlines => $boolean,          # optional
        createDisposition => $createDisposition,  # optional
        encoding => $encoding,                    # optional
        fieldDelimiter => $fieldDelimiter,        # optional
        ignoreUnknownValues => $boolean,          # optional
        maxBadRecords => $maxBadRecords,          # optional
        quote => $quote,                          # optional
        schema => $schema,                        # optional
        skipLeadingRows => $skipLeadingRows,      # optional
        sourceFormat => $sourceFormat,            # optional
        writeDisposition => $writeDisposition,    # optional
        async => $boolean,                        # optional (sync:0[default], async:1)
                                                  # return job_id if this option is set
  • insert

    Streams data into BigQuery one record at a time without needing to run a load job. See details at

      $bq->insert(                    # return 1 (success) or 0 (error)
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required if default project is not set
        table_id => $table_id,        # required
        values => \@values,           # required
  • selectrow_array

    Select a row.

      $bq->selectrow_array(           # return array of a row
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        query => $query,              # required
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # optional
        maxResults => $maxResults,    # optional
        timeoutMs => $timeoutMs,      # optional
        dryRun => $boolean,           # optional
        useQueryCache => $boolean,    # optional
  • selectall_arrayref

    Select rows.

      $bq->selectrow_array(           # return arrayref of rows
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        query => $query,              # required
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # optional
        maxResults => $maxResults,    # optional
        timeoutMs => $timeoutMs,      # optional
        dryRun => $boolean,           # optional
        useQueryCache => $boolean,    # optional
  • is_exists_dataset

    Check a dataset exists or not.

      $bq->is_exists_dataset(         # return 1 (exists) or 0 (no exists)
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required if default project is not set
  • is_exists_table

    Check a table exists or not.

      $bq->is_exists_table(           # return 1 (exists) or 0 (no exists)
        project_id => $project_id,    # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,    # required if default project is not set
        table_id => $table_id,        # required
  • extract

    Export a BigQuery table to Google Cloud Storage.

      $bq->extract(                               # return 1 (success) or 0 (error)
        project_id => $project_id,                # required if default project is not set
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,                # required if default project is not set
        table_id => $table_id,                    # required
        data => $data,                            # required (specify Google Cloud Storage URIs)
        compression => $compression,              # optional
        destinationFormat => $destinationFormat,  # optional
        fieldDelimiter => $fieldDelimiter,        # optional
        printHeader => $boolean,                  # optional
  • request

    You can also directly request to Google BigQuery API using request() method. See details of Google BigQuery API at

        resource => $resource,            # BigQuery API resource
        method => $method,                # BigQuery API method
        project_id => $project_id,        # project_id
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,        # dataset_id
        table_id => $table_id,            # table_id
        job_id => $job_id,                # job_id
        content => \%content,             # content of POST
        query_string => \%query_string,   # query string
        data => $data,                    # source localfile path for upload

    e.g. Updates description in an existing table.

        resource => 'tables',
        method => 'update',
        project_id => $project_id,
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,
        table_id => $table_id,
        content => {
          talbeReferece => {
            projectId => $project_id,
            datasetId => $dataset_id,
            tableId => $table_id,
          description => 'Update!',
  • is_error

    Returns boolean if errors very found in answer body, e.g.:

      my $aref = $bq->selectrow_arrayref(
        project_id => $project_id,
        query => "bad_query,		      # bad query won't execute
        dataset_id => $dataset_id,
        maxResults => $maxResults,
        timeoutMs => $timeoutMs,
      if ($bq->is_error) {
      	# error is present, $aref contains empty arrayref now
      	print "Unable to make query: " . $bq->error_message() . "\n";
  • error_message

    Returns a string with last error message if exists


Copyright (C) Shoji Kai.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Shoji Kai [email protected]


Google BigQuery Client Library for Perl








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