cloned from changed to gl v 3.2-core to be able to run on oder systems
Go engine is a simple game engine intended for 2D or 3D games. This project is currently in progress and it is likely to change significantly over the next year or so.
- OpenGL renderer
- Obj importer
- Lighting Engine
- Particle System
- UI system
- Controller system (mouse, keyboard, joystick)
- Multiplayer networking library
- Windows
- macOS
Example programs can be found in examples/*
Go-Engine uses go-gl which requires opengl.
- renderer - package contains common renderer interface and scenegraph implementation.
- opengl - package contains opengl renderer implementation.
- engine - package Is the high level engine interface that handles a lot of boilerplate stuff.
- controller - package Is the api for keyboard/mouse/joystick controllers. (see examples/simple/main.go)
- assets - asset management for images and obj files.
- renderer.Entity (interface) - anything that can be moved, rotated and scaled. (eg. Camera/Node/ParticleEmitter)
- renderer.Spatial (interface) - something that can be Drawn by a Renderer (eg. Geometry/Node)
- renderer.Node (struct) - Container for Spatials.
- renderer.Geometry (struct) - A collection of faces and verticies.
- renderer.Material (struct) - used for texturing a geometry.
- renderer.Camera (struct) - Struct used to manage the camera.
- renderer.Light (struct) - Struct used to manage dynamic lights.
- controller.Controller (interface) - Can have (mouse/keyboard...) events bound to.
- engine.Engine (interface) - The main game engine interface
- engine.Updatable (interface) - anything that can be updated every game simulation step.