A system using docker that consists of two containers: 1. CamCam: Virtual camera, written in python (device) 2. CamAPI: Python/flask HTTP API server (apiserver) The virtual camera will not have any open ports for security reasons. As a result, it will only make requests out to the API server.
The API server is a web server that the camera and a web client can both access using standard REST APIs.
Ubuntu Droplet (Digital Ocean):
- Ensure cURL is available for testing
- Ensure Docker, Docker-Compose (Install Docker CE) is required for creating device & apiserver containers
- Ensure cURL is available for testing
- Ensure Docker, Docker-Compose (Install Docker CE) is required for creating device & apiserver containers
- Ensure Docker-Machine is required for running device & apiserver containers
Ubuntu Droplet (Digital Ocean):
- Identify DROPLET_IP from Digital Ocean
- Copy CamDock to /home: $ rsync -avz ~/CamDock root@DROPLET_IP:/home/CamDock $ ssh root@DROPLET_IP $ cd /home/CamDock
- Copy CamDock to
$HOME: $ cd ~/CamDock - Create a machine & setup: $ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default $ docker-machine env default $ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
You can start both CamCam (device) & CamAPI (apiserver) docker containers and docker network with the following command:
$ docker-compose up -d --scale device=4
Ubuntu Droplet (Digital Ocean): $ export CAMAPI_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' camdock_apiserver_1) OSX: $ export CAMAPI_IP = $(docker-machine ip)
Ensure docker containers are up & running with following command:
$ curl http://$CAMAPI_IP:5000/logs
View the logs from docker containers with following command:
$ docker-compose logs
You can unwind the docker containers with the following command:
$ docker-compose down
You can remove the docker images, if you want as:
$ docker image rm dimeking/camapi:latest dimeking/camcam:latest
A. Configuration:
- Include and configure uwsgi
- configure nginx
- create startup scripts
- update FLASK_ENV in docker-compose.yml to production
B. Deployment:
- Setup Docker Stack Deploy and Restart Policy
C. Testing:
- Use Digital Ocean or equivalent to deploy say 16 devices and 2 apiservers with load balancer