ShareSphere is a feature-rich social media platform built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. The platform enables users to connect, share posts, and engage with each other's content in a dynamic and interactive online community.
Dynamic User Interface: Crafted a responsive and engaging user interface using React, ensuring seamless navigation and an exceptional user experience.
Secure Authentication: Implemented robust user authentication and authorization mechanisms using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to protect routes and sensitive user data.
Efficient Database Design: Designed an optimized MongoDB database schema to efficiently store user profiles, posts, comments, and interactions.
Powerful Backend API: Developed a robust backend API with Express.js, effectively handling user requests, posts, and comments.
Media Uploads: Integrated file upload functionality using Multer and GridFS, allowing users to share images and multimedia content.
Real-time Interactions: Utilized WebSockets for real-time messaging and notifications, enhancing user engagement and communication.
State Management: Implemented efficient state management with Redux, ensuring high code quality and maintainability.
Persistence Across Sessions: Employed Redux Persist to manage state persistence across sessions, enhancing user convenience.
Modern Design: Leveraged Material-UI components and custom styling with Emotion for a modern and visually appealing design.
- React
- Redux
- Material-UI
- Emotion
- WebSockets
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Multer
- GridFS