Connects to remote server, mounts sshfs, opens vncviewe and ssh. Cleans up when done. Supports multiple connections at a time. Useful for connecting to headless systems such as raspberrypi. Usefull for quickly connecting with a new client.
cd ~/
git clone
cd headless
./headless --install
headless [no arguments will launch with default.conf]
headless [user] [server(ip/hostname)] [server_dir]
headless [option]
-h --help Display help message
--clean Stop all SSHFS sessions and remove empty mount dirs
-c --config [file] Use a different config file
-d --defaults Edit default.conf
--install Link to /usr/local/bin/headless
--sshsetup [user] [server] Generate keys and share with server
--uninstall Remove link /usr/local/bin/headless
For VNC Connections to work put your exported vnc config file (ie server.vnc) in the install directory.