This repository contains the necessary files for building a base docker image for CKAN. The build can target either Alpine Linux or Debian Linux and only includes required extensions to start a CKAN instance. This is based-off Keitaro's docker-ckan.
To create new image run:
docker build --tag ckan-2.8.2 .
The –-tag ckan-2.8.2 flag sets the image name to ckan-2.8.2 and the dot ( “.” ) at the end tells docker build to look into the current directory for Dockerfile and related contents.
Check if the image shows up in the list of images:
docker images
To start and test newly created image run:
docker run ckan-2.8.2
Check if CKAN was succesfuly started on http://localhost:5000. The ckan site url is configured in ENV CKAN_SITE_URL.
It's recommended to upload built images to DockerHub
To upload the image to DockerHub run:
docker push [options] <docker-hub>/ckan:<image-tag>
To upgrade the Docker file to use new CKAN version, in the Dockerfile you should change:
ENV GIT_BRANCH={ckan_release}
Check CKAN repository for the latest releases. If there are new libraries used by the new version requirements, those needs to be included too.
Default extensions used in the Dockerfile are kept in:
ENV CKAN__PLUGINS envvars image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher
You can add scripts to CKAN custom images and copy them to the docker-entrypoint.d directory. Any *.sh or *.py file in that directory will be executed after the main initialization script ( is executed.