This project is still in the early stages of development. contains a list of changes between versions.
var manager = LoggerManager.GetLoggerManager();
LoggerService Log = manager.CreateLogger("TestLogger")
.AttachListener(LoggingLevel.Debug, new ConsoleListener())
.AttachListener(LoggingLevel.Debug, new FileListener(@"C:\LogFiles\$$[processname]$$\$$[timestamp=yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss]$$.txt"));
Log.Debug("Button 1 Clicked!");
Log.Fatal("fatal error, blah blah happened");
var manager = LoggerManager.GetLoggerManager();
LoggerService Log = manager.CreateLogger("TestLogger")
.AttachListener(LoggingLevel.Debug, new ConsoleListener(@"$$[shorttimestamp]$$ - $$[level]$$ - $$[message]$$"))
.AttachListener(LoggingLevel.Debug, new FileListener(@"C:\LogFiles\$$[processname]$$\$$[timestamp=yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss]$$.txt", "$$[timestamp]$$ - $$[level]$$ - $$[message]$$"));
Acceptable Variables
- processname Name of process currently being ran.
- launchtimestamp= Uses the DateTime.Now of when LoggerConfig was first initialized
- timestamp=HH_mm_ss This uses Datetime.ToString() formatting, customize it to your hearts content.
- custom=NAMEHERE Replace NAMEHERE with the variable name used by using LoggerConfig.AddCustomVariable("NAMEHERE", "value");
Acceptable Variables
- timestamp = 04/05/2020 20:38:01.1312
- shorttimestamp = 20:38:01.1312
- level - FATAL
- message - The actual log message to be logged.
This logger stores files in C:\Logs{processname}{timestamp}\debug.txt which logs all Log.Debug level and above messages.
var Log = LoggerManager.GetLoggerManager().GetDefaultLogger();
Log.Info("information only.......");
Default Logger can also log trace level messages if enabled. These logs are logged to the same folder as debug.txt but is named trace.txt There are two ways to enable the default Trace Level logger, shown below
var Log = LoggerManager.GetLoggerManager().GetDefaultLogger(true);
Log.Info("information only.......");
Log.Trace("trace test log");
var manager = LoggerManager.GetLoggerManager();
var Log = manager.GetDefaultLogger();
Log.Info("information only.......");
Log.Trace("trace test log");