create a server (EC2 instance) on AWS and deploy an application on it
Configured Firewall rule to open port 22 for your IP address
Created and configured a new Linux user on the Server (Security best practice)
Deploy and run a Java application on Server
Clone this repo and build the app locally: https://github.com/pmendelski/java-react-example.git
copied the java app jar file to the server
application is ruuning on port 7071
opening the same port in inbound rules of the security group attached to this instance
accessing the app in new tab with public IPv4:7071 or PublicDNS:7071
we can see the logs on server
Running the app in detached mode
Checking the port on which the app is running in detached mode
Security best practice is to not run the app/services as a root user, instead create a separate user for each service/app with minimum needed permissions to run the app switch user to demo and public key for the same as we have configured the public key just for the root user.
adding the public key to this user in .ssh folder --> authorized_keys file