If you used the code, please cite the follwoing paper:
L. Fang, N. He S. Li, P. Ghamisi and J. A. Benediktsson "Extinction Profiles Fusion for Hyperspectral Images Classification" TGRS to be appeared 2017
Do following steps to run the code
- Download the data with the follwoing link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uOr5P3ROfO6SXPFv7doFww and move it to folder 'data'
- run 'Demo_EPs_F_Pavia.m'
Note: Pavia_IC1, Pavia_IC2, Pavia_IC3 are the EP feature produced by code in 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwod827n55i29ox/EP%20executable.rar?dl=0'. While, Pavia_IC1_PCA, Pavia_IC2_PCA, Pavia_IC3_PCA are the files processed by principal component analysis. The first three components are used .
wrriten by Nanjun He([email protected])