This is a template containing the following:
- SvelteKit with adapter-static for easier Github Pages deployment
- UnoCSS using Svelte scoped mode
- and unocss-preset-heropatterns, unocss-preset-theme
- Prettier Plugin TailwindCSS for auto sorting of classes
- Commit-and-Tag-Version for CHANGELOG generation and Github tagging of versions
- PrismJS with Prism-Svelte for syntax highlighting of code blocks
- svelte-local-storage-store for using session/local storage with stores
Prettier Plugin TailwindCSS auto loading is broken when using pnpm so I recommend npm.
Don't forget to import the base path alias:
import { base } from "$app/paths";
and write {base}
before local links for them to work on Github Pages! (see /routes/+page.svelte)
Have fun!