A simple way to synchronize TODO Lists between devices using gRPC communication. Frontend and Backend built with flutter & dart 💙
- Flutter v3.10 and Dart 3
*** To run the project, either use the launch configuration in VSCode Studio or execute the following commands
before that, get your dependencies:
$ flutter pub get --directory protos
$ flutter pub get --directory server
$ flutter pub get --directory client
Now, we're ok! let's run the server first:
$ dart server/bin/server.dart
$ cd client
$ flutter run -d emulator-5556
If you want to check the sync feature, simply open another terminal tab and run it on another device
$ cd client
$ flutter run -d emulator-XPTO
If it is necessary to make changes to the .proto
file, you just need to generate the files as follows:
$ cd protos/lib
$ protoc --dart_out=grpc:src/generated -Iprotos protos/*
This project relies on flutter_localizations and follows the official internationalization guide for Flutter.