Tea Time is a personal project and my take on creating a live chat application that features servers, channels and live messaging.
- Create new servers
- Edit existing servers
- Delete existing servers
- An explore page for every server where you can freely join
- Create a new text channel in a server
- Edit an existing channel
- Delete an existing channel
Live messaging
- Ability to send live messages in a server/channel
- Python
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- Sqlite3
- Sockets
- React
- Redux
- Html5
- Css
- Git
- Javascript
- Open up a terminal and navigate to the folder you would like the files to be in
- Type git clone then hit space and paste the url "git clone https://github.com/henrytamm/tea-time" into your terminal and press enter
- Make a .env file in the root folder '/tea-time/.env' and copy paste the following code or copy the .env.example file:
SECRET_KEY=lkasjdf09ajsdkfljalsiorj12n3490re9485309irefvn,u90818734902139489230 DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///dev.db SCHEMA=flask_schema S3_BUCKET=<your bucket name> S3_KEY=<Access key Id> S3_SECRET=<Secret access key>
- Navigate to frontend folder called '/tea-time/react-app' through your terminal and type "npm install" then press enter
- Navigate to root folder called '/yell' through your terminal and type "python --version" then press enter to check your current version of python
- Run the following command replacing 3.9.4 with your version number of python: pipenv install --python "$PYENV_ROOT/versions/3.9.4/bin/python"
- Then run this command: pipenv install -r requirements.txt
- Navigate to root folder through your terminal and type "pipenv shell" then press enter, then run: "flask db upgrade", "flask seed all", "flask run" and your backend should now be started
- Open a separate terminal and navigate to your frontend folder then type "npm start" to start your frontend