This project was developed throughout the Bootcamp of "Respode Aí", is a study platform where the students can learn the best way to be a developer watching videos and solving algorithms accord of his courses chose.
This API are working with user and admin front-end applications, if you would like to see the front-end applications here are the repos link:
- Register, Log in and Log out
- Recover password
- Lists all courses not started
- Lists all courses started
- User Profile
- Keep studying in the last activite seen
- Header navigation
- Watch video lessons
- Solve algorithms and run tests to see the solution result
- Admin management courses and users
- API with unit and integration tests
- Languages:
Responde Aí
Gabriel Pedro Braga Piazza.
Thiago Ribeiro Silva.
Herick Rossato Motta.
Lucas Nakandakare.
Vagner Pavani.
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