A easy script to export your .gitconfig and /.ssh (ssh keys) in your home directory
- create a directory to import easily github config like a usb key
- copy your .gitconfig and /.ssh into this directory
- fork or download the [gitconfig] (http://github.com/hexanome/gitconfig)
- run github.bat (Windows script) or github.sh (Linux script)
- install git bash on Windows or git for Linux (sudo apt-get install git-core) more information on : http://help.github.com/set-up-git-redirect
- enjoy!
- open [issues] (http://github.com/hexanome/gitconfig)
- send [pull requests] (http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests)
- contact [David Aparicio] (http://github.com/inbox/new/daparicio)
[gitconfig] (http://github.com/hexanome/gitconfig) (GPLv2 license)