This talk is based on using Node v0.10.15 and NPM v1.3.5. Examples are in directories.
Prep for the knockout everyone!
Resides in the /presentation directory and is reliant on the reveal.js framework.
Make sure Grunt is installed. (sudo this command if your npm is installed by root or another user).
npm install -g grunt
Start the Presentation.
cd presentation
npm install
grunt serve
Load up http://localhost:8000 in your web browser and go ham.
Directories at the top level sans "presentation" are all code examples.
- simple-modules - Common.js require system example using a trivial Circle class.
- http-server - Simple hello world http server.
- unzip-stream - Streams API demo with unzip and fstream.
- ws-chat - Simplistic overused websocket chat example.
- ws-canvas-draw - Cool websocket multiuser drawing using HTML5 canvas.
- scuttlebutt - Gossip protocol goodness.
- HI Capacity - @hnlmakerspace
- Slickage Studios - @slickage
- James Wang - @wangbus