Files you need:
- Game Panel HUD v2.7.8: https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/download/8038/
- The GPHUD-SIT-PATCH.zip file found below
Steps to update:
- Delete any existing EFTApi and Game Panel HUD files
- Proceed to patch as if it's a new install
Steps to patch a new install:
1.Install Game Panel HUD into the BepInEx plugin folder like normal
3. Extract or copy the contents of GPHUD-SIT-PATCH.zip into the BepInEx plugins folder
4. Locate the Patch.bat file copied into your plugins folder and double click to run it
5. Once the patch completes, GPHUD has been patched as long as you do not see any errors in any of the output
6. You may now delete the Patches
folder, the xdelta3 .exe
file, and the Patch.bat