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Added a grid for window pane coils, mostly to simplify the optimizati…
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…on problem and figure out why BFGS is having issues. Can now optimize window panes. When only optimizing coil currents, seems to work fine. Issue is clearly with A_deriv function somehow (the issue is that finite differences outperform BFGS on small problems because it is not getting the downhill direction quite right). Rescaled things so that mu0 factors only get multiplied at the very end. Hopefully reduces numerical accumulation. May need to remove in future and just optimized the unnormalized quantities.
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akaptano committed May 20, 2024
1 parent 855c075 commit 1c49be1
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#!/usr/bin/env python
This example script optimizes a set of relatively simple toroidal field coils
and passive superconducting coils (PSCs)
for an ARIES-CS reactor-scale version of the precise-QH stellarator from
Landreman and Paul.
The script should be run as:
mpirun -n 1 python
on a cluster machine but
is sufficient on other machines. Note that this code does not use MPI, but is
parallelized via OpenMP, so will run substantially
faster on multi-core machines (make sure that all the cores
are available to OpenMP, e.g. through setting OMP_NUM_THREADS).
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from simsopt.field import BiotSavart, Current, coils_via_symmetries
from simsopt.geo import SurfaceRZFourier, curves_to_vtk
from simsopt.geo.psc_grid import PSCgrid
from simsopt.objectives import SquaredFlux
from simsopt.util import in_github_actions
from simsopt.util.permanent_magnet_helper_functions import *
import time

def coil_optimization_QA(s, bs, base_curves, curves, out_dir=''):
Optimize the coils for the QA, QH, or other configurations.
s: plasma boundary.
bs: Biot Savart class object, presumably representing the
magnetic fields generated by the coils.
base_curves: List of CurveXYZFourier class objects.
curves: List of Curve class objects.
out_dir: Path or string for the output directory for saved files.
bs: Biot Savart class object, presumably representing the
OPTIMIZED magnetic fields generated by the coils.

from simsopt.geo import CurveLength, CurveCurveDistance, \
MeanSquaredCurvature, LpCurveCurvature, CurveSurfaceDistance
from simsopt.objectives import QuadraticPenalty
from simsopt.geo import curves_to_vtk
from simsopt.objectives import SquaredFlux

out_dir = Path(out_dir)
nphi = len(s.quadpoints_phi)
ntheta = len(s.quadpoints_theta)
ncoils = len(base_curves)

# Weight on the curve lengths in the objective function:

# Threshold and weight for the coil-to-coil distance penalty in the objective function:

# Threshold and weight for the coil-to-surface distance penalty in the objective function:

# Threshold and weight for the curvature penalty in the objective function:

# Threshold and weight for the mean squared curvature penalty in the objective function:
MSC_WEIGHT = 1e-10

MAXITER = 500 # number of iterations for minimize

# Define the objective function:
Jf = SquaredFlux(s, bs)
Jls = [CurveLength(c) for c in base_curves]
Jccdist = CurveCurveDistance(curves, CC_THRESHOLD, num_basecurves=ncoils)
Jcsdist = CurveSurfaceDistance(curves, s, CS_THRESHOLD)
Jcs = [LpCurveCurvature(c, 2, CURVATURE_THRESHOLD) for c in base_curves]
Jmscs = [MeanSquaredCurvature(c) for c in base_curves]

# Form the total objective function.
JF = Jf \
+ LENGTH_WEIGHT * sum(Jls) \
+ CC_WEIGHT * Jccdist \
+ CS_WEIGHT * Jcsdist \
+ MSC_WEIGHT * sum(QuadraticPenalty(J, MSC_THRESHOLD) for J in Jmscs)

def fun(dofs):
""" Function for coil optimization grabbed from """
JF.x = dofs
J = JF.J()
grad = JF.dJ()
jf = Jf.J()
BdotN = np.mean(np.abs(np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)))
outstr = f"J={J:.1e}, Jf={jf:.1e}, ⟨B·n⟩={BdotN:.1e}"
cl_string = ", ".join([f"{J.J():.1f}" for J in Jls])
kap_string = ", ".join(f"{np.max(c.kappa()):.1f}" for c in base_curves)
msc_string = ", ".join(f"{J.J():.1f}" for J in Jmscs)
outstr += f", Len=sum([{cl_string}])={sum(J.J() for J in Jls):.1f}, ϰ=[{kap_string}], ∫ϰ²/L=[{msc_string}]"
outstr += f", C-C-Sep={Jccdist.shortest_distance():.2f}, C-S-Sep={Jcsdist.shortest_distance():.2f}"
outstr += f", ║∇J║={np.linalg.norm(grad):.1e}"
return J, grad

### Perform a Taylor test ######################################################
f = fun
dofs = JF.x
h = np.random.uniform(size=dofs.shape)

J0, dJ0 = f(dofs)
dJh = sum(dJ0 * h)
for eps in [1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7]:
J1, _ = f(dofs + eps*h)
J2, _ = f(dofs - eps*h)
print("err", (J1-J2)/(2*eps) - dJh)

### Run the optimisation #######################################################
minimize(fun, dofs, jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'maxiter': MAXITER, 'maxcor': 300}, tol=1e-15)
curves_to_vtk(curves, out_dir / "curves_opt")
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
return bs

np.random.seed(1) # set a seed so that the same PSCs are initialized each time

# Set some parameters -- if doing CI, lower the resolution
if in_github_actions:
nphi = 4 # nphi = ntheta >= 64 needed for accurate full-resolution runs
ntheta = nphi
# Resolution needs to be reasonably high if you are doing permanent magnets
# or small coils because the fields are quite local
nphi = 32 # nphi = ntheta >= 64 needed for accurate full-resolution runs
ntheta = nphi
# Make higher resolution surface for plotting Bnormal
qphi = nphi * 4
quadpoints_phi = np.linspace(0, 1, qphi, endpoint=True)
quadpoints_theta = np.linspace(0, 1, ntheta * 4, endpoint=True)

poff = 0.25 # PSC grid will be offset 'poff' meters from the plasma surface
coff = 0.3 # PSC grid will be initialized between 1 m and 2 m from plasma

# Read in the plasma equilibrium file
input_name = 'input.LandremanPaul2021_QA_lowres'
TEST_DIR = (Path(__file__).parent / ".." / ".." / "tests" / "test_files").resolve()
surface_filename = TEST_DIR / input_name
range_param = 'half period'
s = SurfaceRZFourier.from_vmec_input(
surface_filename, range=range_param, nphi=nphi, ntheta=ntheta
# Print major and minor radius
print('s.R = ', s.get_rc(0, 0))
print('s.r = ', s.get_rc(1, 0))

# Make inner and outer toroidal surfaces very high resolution,
# which helps to initialize coils precisely between the surfaces.
s_inner = SurfaceRZFourier.from_vmec_input(
surface_filename, range=range_param, nphi=nphi * 4, ntheta=ntheta * 4
s_outer = SurfaceRZFourier.from_vmec_input(
surface_filename, range=range_param, nphi=nphi * 4, ntheta=ntheta * 4

# Make the inner and outer surfaces by extending the plasma surface
s_outer.extend_via_normal(poff + coff)

# Make the output directory
out_str = "QA_psc_output/"
out_dir = Path("QA_psc_output")
out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Save the inner and outer surfaces for debugging purposes
s_inner.to_vtk(out_str + 'inner_surf')
s_outer.to_vtk(out_str + 'outer_surf')

# initialize the coils
base_curves, curves, coils = initialize_coils('qa_psc', TEST_DIR, s, out_dir)
currents = np.array([coil.current.get_value() for coil in coils])
print('Currents = ', currents)

# Set up BiotSavart fields
bs = BiotSavart(coils)

# Calculate average, approximate on-axis B field strength
calculate_on_axis_B(bs, s)

# Make high resolution, full torus version of the plasma boundary for plotting
s_plot = SurfaceRZFourier.from_vmec_input(

# Plot initial Bnormal on plasma surface from un-optimized BiotSavart coils
make_Bnormal_plots(bs, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_initial")

# optimize the currents in the TF coils and plot results
# fix all the coil shapes so only the currents are optimized
# for i in range(ncoils):
# base_curves[i].fix_all()
bs = coil_optimization_QA(s, bs, base_curves, curves, out_dir)
curves_to_vtk(curves, out_dir / "TF_coils", close=True)
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
Bnormal = np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)
make_Bnormal_plots(bs, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_TF_optimized")

# check after-optimization average on-axis magnetic field strength
B_axis = calculate_on_axis_B(bs, s)
make_Bnormal_plots(bs, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_TF_optimized", B_axis)

# Finally, initialize the psc class
kwargs_geo = {"Nx": 5, "out_dir": out_str,
"random_initialization": True, "poff": poff,}
# "interpolated_field": True}
psc_array = PSCgrid.geo_setup_between_toroidal_surfaces(
s, coils, s_inner, s_outer, **kwargs_geo
print('Number of PSC locations = ', len(psc_array.grid_xyz))

currents = []
for i in range(psc_array.num_psc):
all_coils = coils_via_symmetries(
psc_array.curves, currents, nfp=psc_array.nfp, stellsym=psc_array.stellsym
B_PSC = BiotSavart(all_coils)
# Plot initial errors from only the PSCs, and then together with the TF coils
make_Bnormal_plots(B_PSC, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_PSC_initial", B_axis)
make_Bnormal_plots(bs + B_PSC, s_plot, out_dir, "PSC_and_TF_initial", B_axis)

# Check SquaredFlux values using different ways to calculate it
x0 = np.ravel(np.array([psc_array.alphas, psc_array.deltas]))
fB = SquaredFlux(s, bs, np.zeros((nphi, ntheta))).J()
print('fB only TF coils = ', fB / (B_axis ** 2 * s.area()))
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape(-1, 3))
Bnormal = np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)
print('fB only TF direct = ', np.sum(Bnormal.reshape(-1) ** 2 * psc_array.grid_normalization ** 2
) / (2 * B_axis ** 2 * s.area()))
make_Bnormal_plots(B_PSC, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_PSC_initial", B_axis)
fB = SquaredFlux(s, B_PSC, np.zeros((nphi, ntheta))).J()
print(fB/ (B_axis ** 2 * s.area()))
fB = SquaredFlux(s, B_PSC + bs, np.zeros((nphi, ntheta))).J()
print('fB with both, before opt = ', fB / (B_axis ** 2 * s.area()))
fB = SquaredFlux(s, B_PSC, -Bnormal).J()
print('fB with both (minus sign), before opt = ', fB / (B_axis ** 2 * s.area()))

# Actually do the minimization now
print('beginning optimization: ')
opt_bounds = tuple([(0, 2 * np.pi) for i in range(psc_array.num_psc * 2)])
options = {"disp": True, "maxiter": 100}
# print(opt_bounds)
# x0 = np.random.rand(2 * psc_array.num_psc) * 2 * np.pi
verbose = True

# Run STLSQ with BFGS in the loop
kwargs_manual = {
"out_dir": out_str,
"plasma_boundary" : s,
"coils_TF" : coils
I_threshold = 0.0
STLSQ_max_iters = 10
for k in range(STLSQ_max_iters):
x0 = np.ravel(np.array([psc_array.alphas, psc_array.deltas]))
print('Number of PSCs = ', len(x0) // 2, ' in iteration ', k)
x_opt = minimize(psc_array.least_squares, x0, args=(verbose,),
# bounds=opt_bounds,
I = psc_array.I
small_I_inds = np.ravel(np.where(np.abs(I) < I_threshold))
grid_xyz = psc_array.grid_xyz
alphas = psc_array.alphas
deltas = psc_array.deltas
if len(small_I_inds) > 0:
grid_xyz = grid_xyz[small_I_inds, :]
alphas = alphas[small_I_inds]
deltas = deltas[small_I_inds]
print('STLSQ converged, breaking out of loop')
kwargs_manual["alphas"] = alphas
kwargs_manual["deltas"] = deltas
# Initialize new PSC array with coils only at the remaining locations
# with initial orientations from the solve using BFGS
psc_array = PSCgrid.geo_setup_manual(
grid_xyz, psc_array.R, **kwargs_manual

# psc_array.setup_orientations(x_opt.x[:len(x_opt) // 2], x_opt.x[len(x_opt) // 2:])
currents = []
for i in range(psc_array.num_psc):
all_coils = coils_via_symmetries(
psc_array.curves, currents, nfp=psc_array.nfp, stellsym=psc_array.stellsym
B_PSC = BiotSavart(all_coils)

# Check that direct Bn calculation agrees with optimization calculation
fB = SquaredFlux(s, B_PSC + bs, np.zeros((nphi, ntheta))).J()
print('fB with both, after opt = ', fB / (B_axis ** 2 * s.area()))
make_Bnormal_plots(B_PSC, s_plot, out_dir, "PSC_final", B_axis)
make_Bnormal_plots(bs + B_PSC, s_plot, out_dir, "PSC_and_TF_final", B_axis)


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