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Added some of my metrics. Comparing pointwise and net force minimizat…
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…ions. Net force minimization does minimize net forces better but at cost of much higher pointwise forces. Maybe can combine the objectives.
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akaptano committed Oct 4, 2024
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#!/usr/bin/env python

Example script for the force metric in a stage-two coil optimization
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
from simsopt.geo import curves_to_vtk, create_equally_spaced_curves
from simsopt.geo import SurfaceRZFourier
from simsopt.field import Current, coils_via_symmetries
from simsopt.objectives import SquaredFlux, Weight, QuadraticPenalty
from simsopt.geo import (CurveLength, CurveCurveDistance, CurveSurfaceDistance,
MeanSquaredCurvature, LpCurveCurvature)
from simsopt.field import BiotSavart
from simsopt.field.force import MeanSquaredForce, coil_force, coil_torque, coil_net_torques, coil_net_forces, LpCurveForce, \
SquaredMeanForce, MeanSquaredTorque, SquaredMeanTorque, LpCurveTorque # , TVE
from simsopt.field.selffield import regularization_circ
from simsopt.util import in_github_actions


# Number of unique coil shapes, i.e. the number of coils per half field period:
# (Since the configuration has nfp = 2, multiply by 4 to get the total number of coils.)
ncoils = 4

# Major radius for the initial circular coils:
R0 = 1.0

# Minor radius for the initial circular coils:
R1 = 0.5

# Number of Fourier modes describing each Cartesian component of each coil:
order = 5

# Weight on the curve lengths in the objective function. We use the `Weight`
# class here to later easily adjust the scalar value and rerun the optimization
# without having to rebuild the objective.
LENGTH_WEIGHT = Weight(1e-03)

# Threshold and weight for the coil-to-coil distance penalty in the objective function:
CC_WEIGHT = 1000

# Threshold and weight for the coil-to-surface distance penalty in the objective function:

# Threshold and weight for the curvature penalty in the objective function:

# Threshold and weight for the mean squared curvature penalty in the objective function:

# Weight on the mean squared force penalty in the objective function
FORCE_WEIGHT = Weight(1e-14)

# Number of iterations to perform:

# File for the desired boundary magnetic surface:
TEST_DIR = (Path(__file__).parent / ".." / ".." / "tests" / "test_files").resolve()
filename = TEST_DIR / 'input.LandremanPaul2021_QA'

# Directory for output
OUT_DIR = "./coil_forces/"
if os.path.exists(OUT_DIR):
os.makedirs(OUT_DIR, exist_ok=True)


# Initialize the boundary magnetic surface:
nphi = 32
ntheta = 32
s = SurfaceRZFourier.from_vmec_input(filename, range="half period", nphi=nphi, ntheta=ntheta)

qphi = nphi * 2
qtheta = ntheta * 2
quadpoints_phi = np.linspace(0, 1, qphi, endpoint=True)
quadpoints_theta = np.linspace(0, 1, qtheta, endpoint=True)
# Make high resolution, full torus version of the plasma boundary for plotting
s_plot = SurfaceRZFourier.from_vmec_input(

# Create the initial coils:
base_curves = create_equally_spaced_curves(ncoils, s.nfp, stellsym=True, R0=R0, R1=R1, order=order) # , jax_flag=True)
base_currents = [Current(1e5) for i in range(ncoils)]
# Since the target field is zero, one possible solution is just to set all
# currents to 0. To avoid the minimizer finding that solution, we fix one
# of the currents:

coils = coils_via_symmetries(base_curves, base_currents, s.nfp, True)
base_coils = coils[:ncoils]
bs = BiotSavart(coils)
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))

a = 0.05

def pointData_forces_torques(coils):
contig = np.ascontiguousarray
forces = np.zeros((len(coils), len(coils[0].curve.gamma()) + 1, 3))
torques = np.zeros((len(coils), len(coils[0].curve.gamma()) + 1, 3))
for i, c in enumerate(coils):
forces[i, :-1, :] = coil_force(c, coils, regularization_circ(a))
torques[i, :-1, :] = coil_torque(c, coils, regularization_circ(a))

forces[:, -1, :] = forces[:, 0, :]
torques[:, -1, :] = torques[:, 0, :]
forces = forces.reshape(-1, 3)
torques = torques.reshape(-1, 3)
point_data = {"Pointwise_Forces": (contig(forces[:, 0]), contig(forces[:, 1]), contig(forces[:, 2])),
"Pointwise_Torques": (contig(torques[:, 0]), contig(torques[:, 1]), contig(torques[:, 2]))}
return point_data

curves = [c.curve for c in coils]
curves, OUT_DIR + "curves_init", close=True, extra_point_data=pointData_forces_torques(coils),
NetForces=coil_net_forces(coils, regularization_circ(a)),
NetTorques=coil_net_torques(coils, regularization_circ(a))
pointData = {"B_N": np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)[:, :, None]}
s.to_vtk(OUT_DIR + "surf_init", extra_data=pointData)
bs.set_points(s_plot.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
pointData = {"B_N": np.sum(bs.B().reshape((qphi, qtheta, 3)) * s_plot.unitnormal(), axis=2)[:, :, None]}
s_plot.to_vtk(OUT_DIR + "surf_full_init", extra_data=pointData)
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))

# Jforce = [MeanSquaredForce(c, coils, regularization_circ(a)) for c in base_coils]

# for ii, JforceObj in enumerate([MeanSquaredForce, SquaredMeanForce]):
# Form the total objective function. To do this, we can exploit the
# fact that Optimizable objects with J() and dJ() functions can be
# multiplied by scalars and added:
ii = 1
# Define the individual terms objective function:
Jf = SquaredFlux(s, bs)
Jls = [CurveLength(c) for c in base_curves]
Jccdist = CurveCurveDistance(curves, CC_THRESHOLD, num_basecurves=ncoils)
Jcsdist = CurveSurfaceDistance(curves, s, CS_THRESHOLD)
Jcs = [LpCurveCurvature(c, 2, CURVATURE_THRESHOLD) for c in base_curves]
Jmscs = [MeanSquaredCurvature(c) for c in base_curves]
Jforce = [LpCurveForce(c, coils, regularization_circ(a), p=2, threshold=1e5) + SquaredMeanForce(c, coils, regularization_circ(a)) for c in base_coils]
Jlength = QuadraticPenalty(sum(Jls), LENGTH_TARGET, "max")
# Jforce = [LpCurveForce(c, coils, regularization_circ(a), p=2) for c in base_coils]
# Jforce1 = [SquaredMeanForce(c, coils, regularization_circ(a)) for c in base_coils]
# Jforce2 = [MeanSquaredForce(c, coils, regularization_circ(a)) for c in base_coils]
# Jtorque = [LpCurveTorque(c, coils, regularization_circ(a), p=2) for c in base_coils]
# Jtorque1 = [SquaredMeanTorque(c, coils, regularization_circ(a)) for c in base_coils]
# Jtorque2 = [MeanSquaredTorque(c, coils, regularization_circ(a)) for c in base_coils]
JF = Jf \
+ LENGTH_WEIGHT * Jlength \
+ CC_WEIGHT * Jccdist \
+ CS_WEIGHT * Jcsdist \
+ MSC_WEIGHT * sum(QuadraticPenalty(J, MSC_THRESHOLD, "max") for J in Jmscs) \
+ FORCE_WEIGHT * sum(Jforce)
#### Add Torques in here

# We don't have a general interface in SIMSOPT for optimisation problems that
# are not in least-squares form, so we write a little wrapper function that we
# pass directly to scipy.optimize.minimize

def fun(dofs):
JF.x = dofs
J = JF.J()
grad = JF.dJ()
BdotN = np.mean(np.abs(np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)))
BdotN_over_B = np.mean(np.abs(np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2))
) / np.mean(bs.AbsB())
outstr = f"J={J:.1e}, Jf={Jf.J():.1e}, ⟨B·n⟩={BdotN:.1e}, ⟨B·n⟩/⟨B⟩={BdotN_over_B:.1e}"
cl_string = ", ".join([f"{J.J():.1f}" for J in Jls])
outstr += f", Len=sum([{cl_string}])={sum(J.J() for J in Jls):.2f}"
outstr += f", C-C-Sep={Jccdist.shortest_distance():.2f}, C-S-Sep={Jcsdist.shortest_distance():.2f}"
length_val = LENGTH_WEIGHT.value * Jlength.J()
cc_val = CC_WEIGHT * Jccdist.J()
cs_val = CS_WEIGHT * Jcsdist.J()
forces_val = FORCE_WEIGHT.value * sum(J.J() for J in Jforce)
valuestr = f"J={J:.2e}, Jf={Jf.J():.2e}"
valuestr += f", LenObj={length_val:.2e}"
valuestr += f", ccObj={cc_val:.2e}"
valuestr += f", csObj={cs_val:.2e}"
valuestr += f", forceObj={forces_val:.2e}"
# outstr += f", Link Number = {linkNum.J()}"
# outstr += f", Link Number 2 = {linkNum2.J()}"
outstr += f", F={sum(J.J() for J in Jforce):.2e}"
# outstr += f", T={sum(J.J() for J in Jtorque):.2e}"
# outstr += f", TVE={Jtve.J():.1e}"
outstr += f", ║∇J║={np.linalg.norm(grad):.1e}"
return J, grad

# Perform a Taylor test
print("(It make take jax several minutes to compile the objective for the first evaluation.)")
f = fun
dofs = JF.x
h = np.random.uniform(size=dofs.shape)
J0, dJ0 = f(dofs)
dJh = sum(dJ0 * h)
for eps in [1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7]:
J1, _ = f(dofs + eps*h)
J2, _ = f(dofs - eps*h)
print("err", (J1-J2)/(2*eps) - dJh)


dofs = JF.x
print(f"Optimization with FORCE_WEIGHT={FORCE_WEIGHT.value} and LENGTH_WEIGHT={LENGTH_WEIGHT.value}")
res = minimize(fun, dofs, jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'maxiter': MAXITER, 'maxcor': 300}, tol=1e-15)
curves_to_vtk(curves, OUT_DIR + "curves_opt"+str(ii), close=True, extra_point_data=pointData_forces_torques(coils),
NetForces=coil_net_forces(coils, regularization_circ(a)),
NetTorques=coil_net_torques(coils, regularization_circ(a))

pointData_surf = {"B_N": np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)[:, :, None]}
s.to_vtk(OUT_DIR + "surf_opt"+str(ii), extra_data=pointData_surf)
bs.set_points(s_plot.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
pointData = {"B_N": np.sum(bs.B().reshape((qphi, qtheta, 3)) * s_plot.unitnormal(), axis=2)[:, :, None]}
s_plot.to_vtk(OUT_DIR + "surf_full_opt"+str(ii), extra_data=pointData)
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
base_curves = create_equally_spaced_curves(ncoils, s.nfp, stellsym=True, R0=R0, R1=R1, order=order) #, jax_flag=True)
base_currents = [Current(1e5) for i in range(ncoils)]
coils = coils_via_symmetries(base_curves, base_currents, s.nfp, True)
base_coils = coils[:ncoils]
bs = BiotSavart(coils)
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))

# Save the optimized coil shapes and currents so they can be loaded into other scripts for analysis:
# + "biot_savart_opt.json")

#Print out final important info:
# JF.x = dofs
# J = JF.J()
# grad = JF.dJ()
# jf = Jf.J()
# BdotN = np.mean(np.abs(np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)))
# force = [np.max(np.linalg.norm(coil_force(c, coils, regularization_circ(a)), axis=1)) for c in base_coils]
# outstr = f"J={J:.1e}, Jf={jf:.1e}, ⟨B·n⟩={BdotN:.1e}"
# cl_string = ", ".join([f"{J.J():.1f}" for J in Jls])
# kap_string = ", ".join(f"{np.max(c.kappa()):.1f}" for c in base_curves)
# msc_string = ", ".join(f"{J.J():.1f}" for J in Jmscs)
# jforce_string = ", ".join(f"{J.J():.2e}" for J in Jforce)
# force_string = ", ".join(f"{f:.2e}" for f in force)
# outstr += f", Len=sum([{cl_string}])={sum(J.J() for J in Jls):.1f}, ϰ=[{kap_string}], ∫ϰ²/L=[{msc_string}], Jforce=[{jforce_string}], force=[{force_string}]"
# outstr += f", C-C-Sep={Jccdist.shortest_distance():.2f}, C-S-Sep={Jcsdist.shortest_distance():.2f}"
# outstr += f", ║∇J║={np.linalg.norm(grad):.1e}"
# print(outstr)

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