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akaptano committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 7e1377e commit 68be855
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Showing 5 changed files with 19,796 additions and 1 deletion.
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions examples/2_Intermediate/
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
from simsopt.geo import JaxCurve
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

def pure(dofs, points, order, Rvessel):
zc = dofs[0:order+1]
zs = dofs[order+1:2*order+1]
phic = dofs[2*order+1:3*order+2]
phis = dofs[3*order+2:4*order+2]

z = jnp.zeros((len(points),))
phi = jnp.zeros((len(points),))
for j in range(order+1):
if j>0:
z = z + (zs[j-1] * jnp.sin(2*jnp.pi*j*points))
phi = phi + (phis[j-1] * jnp.sin(2*jnp.pi*j*points))
z = z + (zc[j] * jnp.cos(2*jnp.pi*j*points))
phi = phi + (phic[j] * jnp.cos(2*jnp.pi*j*points))

gamma = jnp.zeros((len(points),3))
gamma =[:,1].set( Rvessel * jnp.cos(phi) )
gamma =[:,2].set( Rvessel * jnp.sin(phi) )
gamma =[:,0].set( z )
return gamma

class csx_windowpane_curve_constant_R( JaxCurve ):
OrientedCurveXYZFourier is a translated and rotated Curve.
def __init__(self, quadpoints, order, Rvessel, dofs=None ):
if isinstance(quadpoints, int):
quadpoints = jnp.linspace(0, 1, quadpoints, endpoint=False)

self.order = order
self.Rvessel = Rvessel
gamma = lambda dofs, points: pure(dofs, points, self.order, self.Rvessel)

self.coefficients = [np.zeros((order+1,)), np.zeros((order,)), np.zeros((order+1,)), np.zeros((order,))]
if dofs is None:
super().__init__(quadpoints, gamma, x0=np.concatenate(self.coefficients),
super().__init__(quadpoints, gamma, dofs=dofs,

def num_dofs(self):
This function returns the number of dofs associated to this object.
return 2*(2*self.order+1)

def get_dofs(self):
This function returns the dofs associated to this object.
return np.concatenate(self.coefficients)

def set_dofs_impl(self, dofs):
self.coefficients[0][:] = dofs[0:self.order+1] # zc
self.coefficients[1][:] = dofs[self.order+1:2*self.order+1] # zs
self.coefficients[2][:] = dofs[2*self.order+1:3*self.order+2] # phi_c
self.coefficients[3][:] = dofs[3*self.order+2:4*self.order+2] # phi_s

def _make_names(self):
dofs_name = []
for c in ['z', 'phi']:
dofs_name += [f'{c}c(0)']
for even_or_odd in ['c','s']:
for j in range(1, self.order+1):
dofs_name += [f'{c}{even_or_odd}({j})']

return dofs_name

def pure2(dofs, points, order, Zvessel):
xc = dofs[0:order+1]
xs = dofs[order+1:2*order+1]
yc = dofs[2*order+1:3*order+2]
ys = dofs[3*order+2:4*order+2]

x = jnp.zeros((len(points),))
y = jnp.zeros((len(points),))
for j in range(order+1):
if j>0:
x = x + (xs[j-1] * jnp.sin(2*jnp.pi*j*points))
y = y + (ys[j-1] * jnp.sin(2*jnp.pi*j*points))
x = x + (xc[j] * jnp.cos(2*jnp.pi*j*points))
y = y + (yc[j] * jnp.cos(2*jnp.pi*j*points))

gamma = jnp.zeros((len(points),3))
gamma =[:,1].set( x )
gamma =[:,2].set( y )
gamma =[:,0].set( Zvessel )

return gamma

class csx_windowpane_curve_constant_Z( JaxCurve ):
OrientedCurveXYZFourier is a translated and rotated Curve.
def __init__(self, quadpoints, order, Zvessel, dofs=None ):
if isinstance(quadpoints, int):
quadpoints = jnp.linspace(0, 1, quadpoints, endpoint=False)

self.order = order
self.Zvessel = Zvessel
gamma = lambda dofs, points: pure2(dofs, points, self.order, self.Zvessel)

self.coefficients = [np.zeros((order+1,)), np.zeros((order,)), np.zeros((order+1,)), np.zeros((order,))]
if dofs is None:
super().__init__(quadpoints, gamma, x0=np.concatenate(self.coefficients),
super().__init__(quadpoints, gamma, dofs=dofs,

def num_dofs(self):
This function returns the number of dofs associated to this object.
return 2*(2*self.order+1)

def get_dofs(self):
This function returns the dofs associated to this object.
return np.concatenate(self.coefficients)

def set_dofs_impl(self, dofs):
self.coefficients[0][:] = dofs[0:self.order+1] # xc
self.coefficients[1][:] = dofs[self.order+1:2*self.order+1] # xs
self.coefficients[2][:] = dofs[2*self.order+1:3*self.order+2] # yc
self.coefficients[3][:] = dofs[3*self.order+2:4*self.order+2] # ys

def _make_names(self):
dofs_name = []
for c in ['x', 'y']:
dofs_name += [f'{c}c(0)']
for even_or_odd in ['c','s']:
for j in range(1, self.order+1):
dofs_name += [f'{c}{even_or_odd}({j})']

return dofs_name
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions examples/2_Intermediate/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from simsopt.field import BiotSavart, ExactField
from simsopt.geo import ExactMagnetGrid, SurfaceRZFourier, CurveLength, curves_to_vtk #, NonQuasiSymmetricRatio
from simsopt.objectives import SquaredFlux
from simsopt.solve import GPMO
from simsopt.util import in_github_actions
from simsopt.util.permanent_magnet_helper_functions import *
from simsopt._core import load

t_start = time.time()

# Set some parameters -- if doing CI, lower the resolution
if in_github_actions:
nphi = 4 # nphi = ntheta >= 64 needed for accurate full-resolution runs
ntheta = nphi
dx = 0.05 # bricks with radial extent 5 cm
nphi = 64 # nphi = ntheta >= 64 needed for accurate full-resolution runs
ntheta = nphi
Nx = 30 # bricks with radial extent ??? cm

coff = 0.1 # PM grid starts offset ~ 10 cm from the plasma surface
poff = 0.1 # PM grid end offset ~ 15 cm from the plasma surface

TEST_DIR = "../../tests/test_files/"
# configuration_name = "CSX_5.0_WPs"
bsurf = load(os.path.join(TEST_DIR + "boozer_surface_CSX5_WPs.json"))
bs = bsurf.biotsavart
coils = bs._coils
input_name = ''
surface_filename = TEST_DIR + input_name
s = SurfaceRZFourier.from_wout(surface_filename, range="half period", nphi=nphi, ntheta=ntheta)
s_inner = SurfaceRZFourier.from_wout(surface_filename, range="half period", nphi=nphi * 4, ntheta=ntheta * 4)
s_outer = SurfaceRZFourier.from_wout(surface_filename, range="half period", nphi=nphi * 4, ntheta=ntheta * 4)

# Make the inner and outer surfaces by extending the plasma surface
s_outer.extend_via_projected_normal(poff + coff)
print([c.curve for c in coils])

# Plot original coils
# iota = -0.3
current_sum = sum(abs(c.current.get_value()) for c in bsurf.biotsavart.coils[0:2])
G0 = -2. * np.pi * current_sum * (4 * np.pi * 10**(-7) / (2 * np.pi))
# res = bsurf.run_code(iota, G0)
volume = bsurf.surface.volume()
aspect = bsurf.surface.aspect_ratio()
rmaj = bsurf.surface.major_radius()
rmin = bsurf.surface.minor_radius()
L = float(CurveLength(bsurf.biotsavart.coils[0].curve).J())
# QS = float(NonQuasiSymmetricRatio(bsurf, bsurf.biotsavart).J())
il_current = bsurf.biotsavart.coils[0].current.get_value()
pf_current = bsurf.biotsavart.coils[2].current.get_value()
# iota = res['iota']

ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(projection='3d')
s.plot(ax=ax, show=False, close=True)
for c in bs.coils:
c.curve.plot(ax=ax, show=False)
ax.set_xlabel('x [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('y [m]')
ax.set_zlabel('z [m]')

# Plot Bn / B errors
theta = s.quadpoints_theta
phi = s.quadpoints_phi
ntheta = theta.size
nphi = phi.size
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
Bdotn = np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)
modB = bs.AbsB().reshape((nphi, ntheta))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
c = ax.contourf(theta, phi, Bdotn / modB)
ax.set_title(r'$\mathbf{B}\cdot\hat{n} / |B|$ ')

# Make the output directory
out_str = "exact_CSX"
out_dir = Path(out_str)
out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Make higher resolution surface for plotting Bnormal
qphi = 2 * nphi
quadpoints_phi = np.linspace(0, 1, qphi, endpoint=True)
quadpoints_theta = np.linspace(0, 1, ntheta, endpoint=True)
s_plot = SurfaceRZFourier.from_wout(

# Plot the original coils that Antoine used
make_Bnormal_plots(bs, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_with_original_window_panes")
curves_to_vtk([c.curve for c in coils], out_dir / "curves_with_original_window_panes")

# Subtract out the window-pane coils used in Antoines paper
coils = coils[:4]

# Set up BiotSavart fields
bs = BiotSavart(coils)
curves_to_vtk([c.curve for c in coils], out_dir / "curves_without_window_panes")

# Calculate average, approximate on-axis B field strength
calculate_on_axis_B(bs, s)

# Plot initial Bnormal on plasma surface from un-optimized BiotSavart coils
make_Bnormal_plots(bs, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_without_window_panes")

# Set up correct Bnormal from coils
bs.set_points(s.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
Bnormal = np.sum(bs.B().reshape((nphi, ntheta, 3)) * s.unitnormal(), axis=2)

# Finally, initialize the permanent magnet class
kwargs_geo = {"Nx": Nx} #, "Ny": Nx * 2, "Nz": Nx * 3}
pm_opt = ExactMagnetGrid.geo_setup_between_toroidal_surfaces(
s, Bnormal, s_inner, s_outer, **kwargs_geo

# Optimize the permanent magnets. This actually solves
kwargs = initialize_default_kwargs('GPMO')
# nIter_max = 50000
max_nMagnets = 20000
algorithm = 'baseline'
algorithm = 'ArbVec_backtracking'
nBacktracking = 50
nAdjacent = 10
thresh_angle = np.pi # / np.sqrt(2)
angle = int(thresh_angle * 180 / np.pi)
kwargs['K'] = max_nMagnets
if algorithm == 'backtracking' or algorithm == 'ArbVec_backtracking':
kwargs['backtracking'] = nBacktracking
kwargs['Nadjacent'] = nAdjacent
kwargs['dipole_grid_xyz'] = np.ascontiguousarray(pm_opt.pm_grid_xyz)
if algorithm == 'ArbVec_backtracking':
kwargs['thresh_angle'] = thresh_angle
kwargs['max_nMagnets'] = max_nMagnets
# Below line required for the backtracking to be backwards
# compatible with the PermanentMagnetGrid class
pm_opt.coordinate_flag = 'cartesian'
nHistory = 100
kwargs['nhistory'] = nHistory
t1 = time.time()
R2_history, Bn_history, m_history = GPMO(pm_opt, algorithm, **kwargs)

# Print effective permanent magnet volume
B_max = 1.465
mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7
M_max = B_max / mu0
magnets = pm_opt.m.reshape(pm_opt.ndipoles, 3)
print('Volume of permanent magnets is = ', np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(magnets ** 2, axis=-1))) / M_max)
print('sum(|m_i|)', np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(magnets ** 2, axis=-1))))
b_magnet = ExactField(
b_magnet.set_points(s_plot.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
b_magnet._toVTK(out_dir / "magnet_fields", pm_opt.dx, pm_opt.dy,

# Print optimized metrics
print("Total fB = ",
0.5 * np.sum((pm_opt.A_obj @ pm_opt.m - pm_opt.b_obj) ** 2))

bs.set_points(s_plot.gamma().reshape((-1, 3)))
Bnormal = np.sum(bs.B().reshape((qphi, ntheta, 3)) * s_plot.unitnormal(), axis=2)
make_Bnormal_plots(bs, s_plot, out_dir, "biot_savart_optimized")
Bnormal_magnets = np.sum(b_magnet.B().reshape((qphi, ntheta, 3)) * s_plot.unitnormal(), axis=-1)
Bnormal_total = Bnormal + Bnormal_magnets

# Compute metrics with permanent magnet results
magnets_m = pm_opt.m.reshape(pm_opt.ndipoles, 3)
num_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(np.sum(magnets_m ** 2, axis=-1)) / pm_opt.ndipoles * 100
print("Number of possible magnets = ", pm_opt.ndipoles)
print("% of magnets that are nonzero = ", num_nonzero)

# For plotting Bn on the full torus surface at the end with just the magnet fields
make_Bnormal_plots(b_magnet, s_plot, out_dir, "only_m_optimized")
pointData = {"B_N": Bnormal_total[:, :, None]}
s_plot.to_vtk(out_dir / "m_optimized", extra_data=pointData)

# Print optimized f_B and other metrics
f_B_sf = SquaredFlux(s_plot, b_magnet, -Bnormal).J()

print('f_B = ', f_B_sf)
total_volume = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(pm_opt.m.reshape(pm_opt.ndipoles, 3) ** 2, axis=-1))) * s.nfp * 2 * mu0 / B_max
print('Total volume = ', total_volume)

t_end = time.time()
print('Total time = ', t_end - t_start)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/simsopt/geo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
from .jit import jit
from .plotting import fix_matplotlib_3d

__all__ = ['Curve', 'RotatedCurve', 'curves_to_vtk', 'create_equally_spaced_curves', 'create_equally_spaced_planar_curves']
__all__ = ['Curve', 'JaxCurve', 'RotatedCurve', 'curves_to_vtk', 'create_equally_spaced_curves', 'create_equally_spaced_planar_curves']

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