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Made sad attempt to xsimd the A_matrix calculation. Unfortunately it …
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…requires calculation using ellipe and ellipk (and is much faster than the direct calculation with biot savart so cant replace it with direct). Probably need to write a c++ function to manually calculate it and then simd_t all the terms in there. not sure this is worth it.
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akaptano committed May 22, 2024
1 parent ffdc1bb commit a70d17a
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Showing 2 changed files with 188 additions and 92 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/simsopt/geo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -613,6 +613,7 @@ def setup_currents_and_fields(self):
# Need to rotate and flip it
nn = self.num_wp
q = 0
t1 = time.time()
for fp in range(self.nfp):
for stell in self.stell_list:
xyz = self.grid_xyz_all[q * nn: (q + 1) * nn, :]
Expand All @@ -629,7 +630,7 @@ def setup_currents_and_fields(self):
# xyz,
# self.alphas_total[q * nn: (q + 1) * nn],
# self.deltas_total[q * nn: (q + 1) * nn])
A_matrix += 2 * sopp.A_matrix(
A_matrix += sopp.A_matrix(
contig(self.alphas_total[q * nn: (q + 1) * nn]),
Expand All @@ -640,8 +641,10 @@ def setup_currents_and_fields(self):
q = q + 1
# print(A_matrix2, A_matrix)
# assert np.allclose(A_matrix2, A_matrix)
t2 = time.time()
print('Time = ',t2 - t1)
self.A_matrix = A_matrix
self.Bn_WP = (A_matrix @ self.I * 1e6).reshape(-1) # missing factor of fac
self.Bn_WP = 2 * (A_matrix @ self.I * 1e6).reshape(-1) # missing factor of fac

def setup_curves(self):
Expand Down
273 changes: 183 additions & 90 deletions src/simsoptpp/psc.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -351,8 +351,191 @@ Array dpsi_dkappa(Array& I_TF, Array& dl_TF, Array& gamma_TF, Array& PSC_points,
return dpsi * fac;

Array A_matrix(Array& points, Array& plasma_points, Array& alphas, Array& deltas, Array& plasma_normal, double R)
// points shape should be (num_coils, 3)
// plasma_normal shape should be (num_plasma_points, 3)
// plasma_points should be (num_plasma_points, 3)
int num_coils = alphas.shape(0); // shape should be (num_coils)
int num_plasma_points = plasma_points.shape(0);

// this variable is the A matrix in the least-squares term so A * I = Bn
Array A = xt::zeros<double>({num_plasma_points, num_coils});
constexpr int simd_size = xsimd::simd_type<double>::size;
double R2 = R * R;
double fac = 2.0e-7;
using namespace boost::math;

double* alphas_ptr = &(alphas(0));
double* deltas_ptr = &(deltas(0));
double* points_ptr = &(points(0, 0));
double* plasma_points_ptr = &(plasma_points(0, 0));
double* plasma_normal_ptr = &(plasma_normal(0, 0));

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
for(int j = 0; j < num_coils; j += simd_size) {
auto point_j = Vec3dSimd();
int klimit = std::min(simd_size, num_coils - j);
simd_t aj, dj;
for(int k = 0; k < klimit; k++){
for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
point_j[d][k] = points_ptr[3 * (j + k) + d];
aj[k] = alphas_ptr[j + k];
dj[k] = deltas_ptr[j + k];
simd_t cdj = xsimd::cos(dj);
simd_t caj = xsimd::cos(aj);
simd_t sdj = xsimd::sin(dj);
simd_t saj = xsimd::sin(aj);
for (int i = 0; i < num_plasma_points; i++) {
auto xp = Vec3dSimd(plasma_points_ptr[3 * i], \
plasma_points_ptr[3 * i + 1], \
plasma_points_ptr[3 * i + 2]);
auto np = Vec3dSimd(plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i], \
plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i + 1], \
plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i + 2]);
Vec3dSimd x0 = xp - point_j;
simd_t nxx = cdj;
simd_t nxy = sdj * saj;
simd_t nxz = sdj * caj;
simd_t nyx = ((simd_t) 0.0);
simd_t nyy = caj;
simd_t nyz = -saj;
simd_t nzx = -sdj;
simd_t nzy = cdj * saj;
simd_t nzz = cdj * caj;
auto x0rot = Vec3dSimd(x0.x * nxx + x0.y * nyx + x0.z * nzx, \
x0.x * nxy + x0.y * nyy + x0.z * nzy, \
x0.x * nxz + x0.y * nyz + x0.z * nzz);
simd_t x = x0rot.x;
simd_t y = x0rot.y;
simd_t z = x0rot.z;
simd_t rho2 = x * x + y * y;
simd_t r2 = rho2 + z * z;
simd_t rho = xsimd::sqrt(rho2);
simd_t R2_r2 = R2 + r2;
simd_t gamma2 = R2_r2 - 2.0 * R * rho;
simd_t beta2 = R2_r2 + 2.0 * R * rho;
simd_t beta = xsimd::sqrt(beta2);
auto k2 = 1.0 - gamma2 / beta2;
simd_t beta_gamma2 = beta * gamma2;
auto k = sqrt(k2);
auto ellipe = ellint_2(k);
auto ellipk = ellint_1(k);
simd_t Eplus = R2_r2 * ellipe - gamma2 * ellipk;
simd_t Eminus = (R2 - r2) * ellipe + gamma2 * ellipk;
auto B = Vec3dSimd(x * z * Eplus / (rho2 * beta_gamma2), \
y * z * Eplus / (rho2 * beta_gamma2), \
Eminus / beta_gamma2);
// Need to rotate the vector
auto B_rot = Vec3dSimd(B.x * nxx + B.y * nxy + B.z * nxz, \
B.x * nyx + B.y * nyy + B.z * nyz, \
B.x * nzx + B.y * nzy + B.z * nzz);
simd_t inner_prod = inner(B_rot, np);
for(int kk = 0; kk < klimit; kk++){
A(i, j) += inner_prod[kk];
return A;


Array A_matrix(Array& points, Array& plasma_points, Array& alphas, Array& deltas, Array& plasma_normal, double R)
// warning: row_major checks below do NOT throw an error correctly on a compute node on Cori
if(points.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("points needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(alphas.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("alphas needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(deltas.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("deltas needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(plasma_points.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("plasma_points needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(plasma_normal.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("plasma_normal needs to be in row-major storage order");

// points shape should be (num_coils, 3)
// plasma_normal shape should be (num_plasma_points, 3)
// plasma_points should be (num_plasma_points, 3)
int num_coils = alphas.shape(0); // shape should be (num_coils)
int num_plasma_points = plasma_points.shape(0);

// this variable is the A matrix in the least-squares term so A * I = Bn
Array A = xt::zeros<double>({num_plasma_points, num_coils});
double R2 = R * R;
double fac = 2.0e-7;
using namespace boost::math;

double* alphas_ptr = &(alphas(0));
double* deltas_ptr = &(deltas(0));
double* points_ptr = &(points(0, 0));
double* plasma_points_ptr = &(plasma_points(0, 0));
double* plasma_normal_ptr = &(plasma_normal(0, 0));

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
for(int j = 0; j < num_coils; j++) {
auto cdj = cos(deltas_ptr[j]);
auto caj = cos(alphas_ptr[j]);
auto sdj = sin(deltas_ptr[j]);
auto saj = sin(alphas_ptr[j]);
auto xj = points_ptr[3 * j];
auto yj = points_ptr[3 * j + 1];
auto zj = points_ptr[3 * j + 2];
for (int i = 0; i < num_plasma_points; ++i) {
auto xp = plasma_points_ptr[3 * i];
auto yp = plasma_points_ptr[3 * i + 1];
auto zp = plasma_points_ptr[3 * i + 2];
auto nx = plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i];
auto ny = plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i + 1];
auto nz = plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i + 2];
auto x0 = (xp - xj);
auto y0 = (yp - yj);
auto z0 = (zp - zj);
auto nxx = cdj;
auto nxy = sdj * saj;
auto nxz = sdj * caj;
auto nyx = 0.0;
auto nyy = caj;
auto nyz = -saj;
auto nzx = -sdj;
auto nzy = cdj * saj;
auto nzz = cdj * caj;
auto x = x0 * nxx + y0 * nyx + z0 * nzx;
auto y = x0 * nxy + y0 * nyy + z0 * nzy;
auto z = x0 * nxz + y0 * nyz + z0 * nzz;
auto rho2 = x * x + y * y;
auto r2 = rho2 + z * z;
auto rho = sqrt(rho2);
auto R2_r2 = R2 + r2;
auto gamma2 = R2_r2 - 2.0 * R * rho;
auto beta2 = R2_r2 + 2.0 * R * rho;
auto beta = sqrt(beta2);
auto k2 = 1.0 - gamma2 / beta2;
auto beta_gamma2 = beta * gamma2;
auto k = sqrt(k2);
auto ellipe = ellint_2(k);
auto ellipk = ellint_1(k);
auto Eplus = R2_r2 * ellipe - gamma2 * ellipk;
auto Eminus = (R2 - r2) * ellipe + gamma2 * ellipk;
auto Bx = x * z * Eplus / (rho2 * beta_gamma2);
auto By = y * z * Eplus / (rho2 * beta_gamma2);
auto Bz = Eminus / beta_gamma2;
// Need to rotate the vector
auto Bx_rot = Bx * nxx + By * nxy + Bz * nxz;
auto By_rot = Bx * nyx + By * nyy + Bz * nyz;
auto Bz_rot = Bx * nzx + By * nzy + Bz * nzz;
A(i, j) = Bx_rot * nx + By_rot * ny + Bz_rot * nz;
return A;

// Todo: write your own C++ code for ellipe/ellipk so we can XSIMD it...?

Array dpsi_dkappa(Array& I_TF, Array& dl_TF, Array& gamma_TF, Array& PSC_points, Array& alphas, Array& deltas, Array& coil_normals, Array& rho, Array& phi, double R)
// warning: row_major checks below do NOT throw an error correctly on a compute node on Cori
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -780,96 +963,6 @@ Array flux_integration(Array& B, Array& rho, Array& normal)
return Psi;

Array A_matrix(Array& points, Array& plasma_points, Array& alphas, Array& deltas, Array& plasma_normal, double R)
// warning: row_major checks below do NOT throw an error correctly on a compute node on Cori
if(points.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("points needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(alphas.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("alphas needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(deltas.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("deltas needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(plasma_points.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("plasma_points needs to be in row-major storage order");
if(plasma_normal.layout() != xt::layout_type::row_major)
throw std::runtime_error("plasma_normal needs to be in row-major storage order");

// points shape should be (num_coils, 3)
// plasma_normal shape should be (num_plasma_points, 3)
// plasma_points should be (num_plasma_points, 3)
int num_coils = alphas.shape(0); // shape should be (num_coils)
int num_plasma_points = plasma_points.shape(0);

// this variable is the A matrix in the least-squares term so A * I = Bn
Array A = xt::zeros<double>({num_plasma_points, num_coils});
double R2 = R * R;
double fac = 2.0e-7;
using namespace boost::math;

double* alphas_ptr = &(alphas(0));
double* deltas_ptr = &(deltas(0));
double* points_ptr = &(points(0, 0));
double* plasma_points_ptr = &(plasma_points(0, 0));
double* plasma_normal_ptr = &(plasma_normal(0, 0));

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
for(int j = 0; j < num_coils; j++) {
auto cdj = cos(deltas_ptr[j]);
auto caj = cos(alphas_ptr[j]);
auto sdj = sin(deltas_ptr[j]);
auto saj = sin(alphas_ptr[j]);
auto xj = points_ptr[3 * j];
auto yj = points_ptr[3 * j + 1];
auto zj = points_ptr[3 * j + 2];
for (int i = 0; i < num_plasma_points; ++i) {
auto xp = plasma_points_ptr[3 * i];
auto yp = plasma_points_ptr[3 * i + 1];
auto zp = plasma_points_ptr[3 * i + 2];
auto nx = plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i];
auto ny = plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i + 1];
auto nz = plasma_normal_ptr[3 * i + 2];
auto x0 = (xp - xj);
auto y0 = (yp - yj);
auto z0 = (zp - zj);
auto nxx = cdj;
auto nxy = sdj * saj;
auto nxz = sdj * caj;
auto nyx = 0.0;
auto nyy = caj;
auto nyz = -saj;
auto nzx = -sdj;
auto nzy = cdj * saj;
auto nzz = cdj * caj;
auto x = x0 * nxx + y0 * nyx + z0 * nzx;
auto y = x0 * nxy + y0 * nyy + z0 * nzy;
auto z = x0 * nxz + y0 * nyz + z0 * nzz;
auto rho2 = x * x + y * y;
auto r2 = rho2 + z * z;
auto rho = sqrt(rho2);
auto R2_r2 = R2 + r2;
auto gamma2 = R2_r2 - 2.0 * R * rho;
auto beta2 = R2_r2 + 2.0 * R * rho;
auto beta = sqrt(beta2);
auto k2 = 1.0 - gamma2 / beta2;
auto beta_gamma2 = beta * gamma2;
auto k = sqrt(k2);
auto ellipe = ellint_2(k);
auto ellipk = ellint_1(k);
auto Eplus = R2_r2 * ellipe - gamma2 * ellipk;
auto Eminus = (R2 - r2) * ellipe + gamma2 * ellipk;
auto Bx = x * z * Eplus / (rho2 * beta_gamma2);
auto By = y * z * Eplus / (rho2 * beta_gamma2);
auto Bz = Eminus / beta_gamma2;
// Need to rotate the vector
auto Bx_rot = Bx * nxx + By * nxy + Bz * nxz;
auto By_rot = Bx * nyx + By * nyy + Bz * nyz;
auto Bz_rot = Bx * nzx + By * nzy + Bz * nzz;
A(i, j) = Bx_rot * nx + By_rot * ny + Bz_rot * nz;
return A;

Array B_PSC(Array& points, Array& plasma_points, Array& alphas, Array& deltas, Array& psc_currents, double R)
// warning: row_major checks below do NOT throw an error correctly on a compute node on Cori
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