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force for rectangluar xsection now correct
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phuslage committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 73b8d0a commit c23932e
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 83 deletions.
132 changes: 49 additions & 83 deletions src/simsopt/field/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ def delta(a, b):
return jnp.exp(-25/6 + k(a, b))

def compute_regularization_circ(a):
def regularization_circ(a):
"""Regularization for a circular conductor"""
return a**2 / jnp.sqrt(jnp.e)

def compute_regularization_rect(a, b):
def regularization_rect(a, b):
"""Regularization for a rectangular conductor"""
return a * b * delta(a, b)

Expand All @@ -43,66 +43,44 @@ def singularity_term_circ(gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, a):
return A

def singularity_term_circ_matt(gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, a):
d1gamma_norm = np.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
A = 0.5 / d1gamma_norm**3 * \
(2 + np.log(a**2/np.sqrt(math.e) / d1gamma_norm / 64)) * \
np.cross(gammadash, gammadashdash)
return -A

def singularity_term_rect(gammadash, gammadashdash, a, b):
"""singularity substraction for the regularized field in a rectangular conductor"""
A = (jnp.cross(gammadash, gammadashdash)) / (2*jnp.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)
[:, jnp.newaxis]**3) * (-2 + jnp.log(64 / (delta(a, b) * a * b) * jnp.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)[:, jnp.newaxis]**2))
A = 1 / jnp.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)[:, jnp.newaxis]**3 / 2 * \
(jnp.cross(gammadash, gammadashdash)) * (-2 + jnp.log(64 / (delta(a, b)
* a * b) * jnp.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)[:, jnp.newaxis]**2))

return A

def integrand_circ(i, j, gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, phi_0, a):
"""Integrand of the regularized magnetic field formular at position phi[i], phi[j]. i is the index the field is evaluated (gamma[i]=gamma(phi[i])) while j is thee integrration index."""
dr = gamma[i]-gamma[j]

regularization = regularization_circ(a)
first_term = np.cross(
gammadash[j], dr) / (np.linalg.norm(dr)**2 + a**2/np.sqrt(math.e)) ** 1.5
gammadash[j], dr) / (np.linalg.norm(dr)**2 + regularization) ** 1.5
cos_fac = 2 - 2 * np.cos(2*np.pi*(phi[j] - phi[i]))
denominator2 = cos_fac * \
np.linalg.norm(gammadash[i])**2 + a**2/np.sqrt(math.e)
np.linalg.norm(gammadash[i])**2 + regularization
factor2 = 0.5 * cos_fac / denominator2**1.5
second_term = np.cross(gammadashdash[i], gammadash[i]) * factor2
integrand = first_term + second_term

return integrand

def integrand_circ_matt(i, gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, phidash, a):
"""Function to compare to Matt's julia Repo"""

regularization = a**2 / np.sqrt(math.e)
dr = gamma[i] - gamma
temp = np.linalg.norm(dr, axis=1)**2 + regularization
denominator = temp * np.sqrt(temp)

cos_fac = 2 - 2 * np.cos(phidash[i] - phi)
temp2 = cos_fac * \
np.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)**2 + regularization
denominator2 = temp2 * np.sqrt(temp2)
factor2 = 0.5 * cos_fac / denominator2
integrand = np.cross(gammadash, dr) / denominator[:, np.newaxis] + \
factor2[:, np.newaxis] * np.cross(gammadashdash, gammadash)
return integrand

def integrand_circ_better(gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, gammaprime, gammadashprime, phiprime, a):
"""Different implementation of the integration for future use. Nothing new here so far."""

first_term = np.cross(gammadashprime, (gamma-gammaprime)) / (
np.linalg.norm(gamma - gammaprime)**2 + a**2/np.sqrt(math.e)) ** 1.5

second_term = np.cross(gammadashdash, gammadashprime) * (1 - np.cos(phiprime - phi)[:, np.newaxis])\
/ ((2 - 2*np.cos(phiprime - phi)) * np.linalg.norm(gammadashdash) + a**2/np.sqrt(math.e))[:, np.newaxis]**1.5

def integrand_rect(i, j, gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, phi_0, a, b):
"""Integrand of the regularized magnetic field formular at position phi[i], phi[j]. i is the index the field is evaluated (gamma[i]=gamma(phi[i])) while j is the integrration index."""
dr = gamma[i]-gamma[j]
regularization = regularization_rect(a, b)
first_term = np.cross(
gammadash[j], dr) / (np.linalg.norm(dr)**2 + regularization) ** 1.5
cos_fac = 2 - 2 * np.cos(2*np.pi*(phi[j] - phi[i]))
denominator2 = cos_fac * \
np.linalg.norm(gammadash[i])**2 + regularization
factor2 = 0.5 * cos_fac / denominator2**1.5
second_term = np.cross(gammadashdash[i], gammadash[i]) * factor2
integrand = first_term + second_term

return integrand

Expand All @@ -118,32 +96,15 @@ def integral_circ(gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, i, a):
return integral

def integral_circ_matt(gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, phidash, a):
"""Function to compare to Matt's julia Repo"""
n_quad = phidash.shape[0]
dphidash = phidash[1]
integral = np.zeros((n_quad, 3))
integrand = np.zeros((n_quad, n_quad, 3))

for i, _ in enumerate(phidash):

integrand[i] = integrand_circ_matt(i, gamma, gammadash,
gammadashdash, phi, phidash, a)
integral[i, 0] = np.sum(integrand[i, :, 0])
integral[i, 1] = np.sum(integrand[i, :, 1])
integral[i, 2] = np.sum(integrand[i, :, 2])

integral *= dphidash
return integral

def integral_rect(gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, i, a, b):
nphi = phi.shape[0]
dphi = 2*np.pi / nphi
integral = np.zeros(3)
for j, phi_0 in enumerate(phi):
integral += integrand_rect(i, j, gamma, gammadash,
gammadashdash, phi, phi_0, a, b)

def integral_circ_better(gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, gammaprime, gammadashprime, phiprime, a):
"""Different implementation of the integration for future use. Nothing new here so far."""
n_quad = phiprime.shape[0]
integrand = integrand_circ_better(
gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, gammaprime, gammadashprime, phiprime, a)
weights = np.ones(n_quad)
integral = (i*w for i, w in zip(integrand, weights))
integral *= dphi
return integral

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,34 +179,30 @@ def field_on_coils(coil, a=0.05):
for i, _ in enumerate(phi):
integral_term[i] = integral_circ(
gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, i, a)
b_reg = I * Biot_savart_prefactor * (integral_term + A)
b_reg = I * Biot_savart_prefactor * (A + integral_term)

return b_reg

def field_on_coils_rect(coil, a=0.05, b=0.03):
"""Calculate the field on a coil with rectangular cross section follownig the method from Landreman, Hurwitz & Antonsen"""
I = coil._current.current
phi = coil.curve.quadpoints
phidash = coil.curve.quadpoints
phi = coil.curve.quadpoints # * 2 * np.pi
phidash = coil.curve.quadpoints # * 2 * np.pi
dphidash = phidash[1]
n_quad = phidash.shape[0]
gamma = coil.curve.gamma()
gammadash = coil.curve.gammadash()
gammadashdash = coil.curve.gammadashdash()

A = (jnp.cross(gammadash, gammadashdash)) / (2*jnp.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)
[:, jnp.newaxis]**3) * (-2 + jnp.log(64 / (delta(a, b) * a * b) * jnp.linalg.norm(gammadash, axis=1)[:, jnp.newaxis]**2))
gammadash = coil.curve.gammadash() / 2 / np.pi
gammadashdash = coil.curve.gammadashdash() / 4 / np.pi**2
integral_term = np.zeros((n_quad, 3))

b_int_phi_dash = jnp.zeros((n_quad, n_quad, 3))
integral += 0
for i in range(len(phidash)):[i].set((jnp.cross(gammadash[i], (gamma-gamma[i]))) / (jnp.linalg.norm(gamma - gamma[i])**2 + delta + a * b) ** 1.5
+ (jnp.cross(gammadashdash, gammadash) * (1 - jnp.cos(phidash[i] - phi)[:, jnp.newaxis]) / ((
2 - 2 * jnp.cos(phidash[i] - phi)) * jnp.linalg.norm(gammadash)**2 + delta * a * b)[:, jnp.newaxis]))
A = singularity_term_rect(gammadash, gammadashdash, a, b)
for i, _ in enumerate(phi):
integral_term[i] = integral_rect(
gamma, gammadash, gammadashdash, phi, i, a, b)

integral = jnp.trapz(b_int_phi_dash, phidash, axis=0)
b_reg = I * Biot_savart_prefactor * (A+integral_term)

b_reg = I * Biot_savart_prefactor * (A + integral)
return b_reg

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,6 +289,15 @@ def self_force(coil, a=0.05):
return force

def self_force_rect(coil, a=0.05, b=0.03):
"""force of the coils onto itself for a reectangular crosssection"""
B = field_on_coils_rect(coil, a)
t, _, _ = coil.curve.frenet_frame()
I = coil._current.current
force = np.cross(I*t, B)
return force

def external_force(coil, coils, a=0.05):
"""force from the other coils"""
b_ext = field_from_other_coils(coil, coils, a)
Expand Down

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