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Naive implementation of Windowpane coil class
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abaillod committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent c859dfb commit fc84ff3
Showing 1 changed file with 227 additions and 0 deletions.
227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions src/simsopt/geo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
import jax.numpy as jnp
from math import pi, sin, cos
import numpy as np
from .curve import Curve
from .curvexyzfourier import CurveXYZFourier
import simsoptpp as sopp
from simsopt._core.optimizable import DOFs, Optimizable
from .._core.derivative import Derivative
from jax import grad, jit, vjp

__all__ = ['WindowpaneCurve']

def shift_pure( v, xyz ):
for ii in range(0,3):
v =[:,ii].add(xyz[ii])
return v

class Position( Optimizable ):
def __init__(self, gamma, x, y, z):
dofs = np.array([x, y, z])
self._gamma = gamma
Optimizable.__init__(self, x0=dofs, names=self._make_names()) = lambda dofs: shift_pure( jnp.array(self._gamma), jnp.array(dofs) )
self.jac = lambda dofs, v: vjp(, jnp.array(dofs))[1](v)[0]

def set_gamma(self, gamma):
self._gamma = gamma

def _make_names(self):
return ['x', 'y', 'z']

def set_dofs(self, dofs):
self.local_x = dofs

def shift(self):

def vjp(self, v):
return Derivative({self: self.vjp_impl(v)})

def vjp_impl(self, v):
return self.jac(self.local_x, v)

def rotate_pure( v, ypr ):
yaw = ypr[0]
pitch = ypr[1]
roll = ypr[2]

Myaw = jnp.asarray(
[[jnp.cos(yaw), -jnp.sin(yaw), 0],
[jnp.sin(yaw), jnp.cos(yaw), 0],
[0, 0, 1]]
Mpitch = jnp.asarray(
[[jnp.cos(pitch), 0, jnp.sin(pitch)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-jnp.sin(pitch), 0, jnp.cos(pitch)]]
Mroll = jnp.asarray(
[[1, 0, 0],
[0, jnp.cos(roll), -jnp.sin(roll)],
[0, jnp.sin(roll), jnp.cos(roll)]]

return v @ Myaw @ Mpitch @ Mroll

class Orientation( Optimizable ):
def __init__(self, gamma, yaw, pitch, roll):
dofs = np.array([yaw, pitch, roll])
self._gamma = gamma
Optimizable.__init__(self, x0=dofs, names=self._make_names()) = jit(lambda dofs: rotate_pure( jnp.array(self._gamma), jnp.array(dofs) ) )
self.jac = jit(lambda dofs, v: vjp(, jnp.array(dofs))[1](v)[0] )

def set_gamma(self, gamma):
self._gamma = gamma

def _make_names(self):
return ['yaw', 'pitch', 'roll']

def set_dofs(self, dofs):
self.local_x = dofs

def rotate_array(self):

def vjp(self, v):
return Derivative({self: self.vjp_impl(v)})

def vjp_impl(self, v):
return self.jac(self.local_x, v)

class WindowpaneCurve( sopp.Curve, Curve ):
WindowpaneCurve inherits from the Curve base class. It takes as
input a Curve, which is assumed to be centered at the origin
(xc(0)=yc(0)=zc(0)). The base curve is assumed to be fixed, only
its orientation can change.
It is then shifted along a vector (x,z)=(Rc,Zc), and rotated
with respect to the yaw, pitch and roll angle.
def __init__(self, curve, xc, yc, zc, yaw, pitch, roll ):
self.curve = curve

sopp.Curve.__init__(self, curve.quadpoints)
self.position = Position( self.curve.gamma(), xc, yc, zc ) # get rid of that?
self.orientation = Orientation( self.curve.gamma(), yaw, pitch, roll )
Curve.__init__(self, depends_on=[curve, self.position, self.orientation])

def test_curve(self):
for c in ['xc(0)', 'yc(0)', 'zc(0)']:
if self.curve.is_free(c):
raise ValueError(f'Curve {c} should be fixed')
if self.curve.get(c)!=0:
raise ValueError(f'Curve should be centered at origin, but {c} is not zero')

def gamma_impl(self, gamma, quadpoints):
This function returns the x,y,z coordinates of the curve, :math:`\Gamma`, where :math:`\Gamma` are the x, y, z
coordinates of the curve.
if len(quadpoints) == len(self.curve.quadpoints) \
and np.sum((quadpoints-self.curve.quadpoints)**2) < 1e-15:
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gamma() )
gamma[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array()
self.position.set_gamma( gamma )
gamma[:] = self.position.shift()
self.curve.gamma_impl(gamma, quadpoints)
self.orientation.set_gamma( gamma )
gamma[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array()
self.position.set_gamma( gamma )
gamma[:] = self.position.shift()

def gammadash_impl(self, gammadash):
This function returns :math:`\Gamma'(\varphi)`, where :math:`\Gamma` are the x, y, z
coordinates of the curve.
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gammadash() )
gammadash[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array()

def gammadashdash_impl(self, gammadashdash):
This function returns :math:`\Gamma''(\varphi)`, where :math:`\Gamma` are the x, y, z
coordinates of the curve.
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gammadashdash() )
gammadashdash[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array( )

def gammadashdashdash_impl(self, gammadashdashdash):
This function returns :math:`\Gamma'''(\varphi)`, where :math:`\Gamma` are the x, y, z
coordinates of the curve.
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gammadashdashdash() )
gammadashdashdash[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array( )

# def dgamma_by_dcoeff_impl(self, dgamma_by_dcoeff):
# r"""
# This function returns

# .. math::
# \frac{\partial \Gamma}{\partial \mathbf c}

# where :math:`\mathbf{c}` are the curve dofs, and :math:`\Gamma` are the x, y, z
# coordinates of the curve.

# """
# dgamma_by_dcoeff[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array( self.curve.dgamma_by_dcoeff() ) + self.position.vjp( dgamma_by_dcoeff ) + self.orientation.vjp( dgamma_by_dcoeff )

# def dgammadash_by_dcoeff_impl(self, dgammadash_by_dcoeff):
# dgammadash_by_dcoeff[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array( self.curve.dgammadash_by_dcoeff() ) + self.position.vjp( dgammadash_by_dcoeff ) + self.orientation.vjp( dgammadash_by_dcoeff )

# def dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff_impl(self, dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff):
# dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array( self.curve.dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff() ) + self.position.vjp( dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff ) + self.orientation.vjp( dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff )

# def dgammadashdashdash_by_dcoeff_impl(self, dgammadashdashdash_by_dcoeff):
# dgammadashdashdash_by_dcoeff[:] = self.orientation.rotate_array( self.curve.dgammadash_by_dcoeff ) + self.position.vjp( dgammadash_by_dcoeff ) + self.orientation.vjp( dgammadash_by_dcoeff )

def dgamma_by_dcoeff_vjp(self, v):
This function returns the vector Jacobian product
.. math::
v^T \frac{\partial \Gamma}{\partial \mathbf c}
where :math:`\mathbf{c}` are the curve dofs, and :math:`\Gamma` are the x, y, z
coordinates of the curve.
dgdcurve = self.curve.dgamma_by_dcoeff_vjp( v )
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gamma() )
dgdorientation = self.orientation.vjp( v )
newgamma = self.orientation.rotate_array()
self.position.set_gamma( newgamma )
dgdposition = self.position.vjp( v )
return dgdcurve + dgdposition + dgdorientation

def dgammadash_by_dcoeff_vjp(self, v):
dgdcurve = self.curve.dgammadash_by_dcoeff_vjp( v )
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gamma() )
dgdorientation = self.orientation.vjp( v )
return dgdcurve + dgdorientation

def dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff_vjp(self, v):
dgdcurve = self.curve.dgammadashdash_by_dcoeff_vjp( v )
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gamma() )
dgdorientation = self.orientation.vjp( v )
return dgdcurve + dgdorientation

def dgammadashdashdash_by_dcoeff_vjp(self, v):
dgdcurve = self.curve.dgammadashdashdash_by_dcoeff_vjp( v )
self.orientation.set_gamma( self.curve.gamma() )
dgdorientation = self.orientation.vjp( v )
return dgdcurve + dgdorientation

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