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Toxic comments detect system


The detection system to predict different types of toxicity. This project uses NLP (TF-IDF) and XGBoost. Set up back-end and front-end servers via Flask, and wrapped them in Docker. Binary classification and multi-targets.

All steps you can see in main file train.ipynb.



Only one feature: comment_text (text)

Feature transform:

  • regex clean
  • tfidf

User guide

1. Prepare

1.1 Clone git:

$ git clone

1.2 If you have some problem with downloading ML model yon can download it from logreg_pipeline.dill or create it from train.ipynb file and put at the folder app/models/;

1.3 Make docker image:

$ cd python-flask-docker/docker
$ docker build -t python-flask-docker app/

1.4 Run docker container:

$ docker run -d -p 8180:8180 -p 8181:8181 python-flask-docker

2. Usage

Now, there are two ways:

1-st one - Front server

Go to the address http://localhost:8180 and use front server. You can manually type some comment at the web form and enjoy the result:


2-nd one - Jupiter Notebook

Use Jupiter Notebook "Client.ipynb" and step by step check server located http://localhost:8181.