- The DS3231 is a low-cost, extremely accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC) with an integrated temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and crystal.
- The library used by this project can be found at DS3231 Library.
- This sketch will make an interrupt at Alarm set time on PIN 2 of arduino uno which will then activate the NPN transistor to switch on the LED which is connection on the NO(Normally Open) connection.
- The schematic and the wiring is present within this repo
- Before downloading the sketch install the DS3231 library that is specified previously.
- Download zip archive from the github repository at https://github.com/himadriganguly/ds3231_alarm_relay_switch.
- Do the wiring using the breadboard diagram or the schematic diagram.
- Upload the code and the RED LED will turn on every 10th second.
- Himadri Ganguly https://github.com/himadriganguly/