This repository includes multiple versions of the virtual reality app Nu.M.E. 2010 that were created by Nicola Lercari as part of his Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Bologna, Italy.
Nu.M.E. PowerWall is a immersive VR app created for the UC Merced PowerWall, a multi-tile back projected VR system including motion tracking of the user.
Numesh is a desktop VR app created to simulate advanced lighting models of 13th century Bologna.
Scientific Director: Prof. Francesca Bocchi (University of Bologna).
Visualization Technologies Supervisor: Ing. Antonella Guidazzoli (CINECA).
UI-UX Design: Nicola Lercari (University of Bologna).
Graphic Design and Web Content: Nicola Lercari and Angelo Crovace (University of Bologna).
Software Developers: Carlo Camporesi (University of California Merced - main author of Nu.M.E. PowerWall), Francesco Rossi and Alessandro Ticchi (University of Bologna - main authors of Numesh).
3D modeling and texturing: Nicola Lercari and Angelo Crovace (University of Bologna).