This tcl package allows you to do comm based remote scripting via secure shell connection.
Basic usage is like:
package require sshcomm
set cid [sshcomm::comm $host]
comm::comm send $cid {script...}
# or simply. (But note, in this form, arguments are evaluated **locally**!)
$cid command args...
Or more configurable, multi-comm style:
set ssh [sshcomm::ssh $host]
# or set ssh [sshcomm::connection %AUTO% -host $host]
set c1 [$ssh comm new]
set c2 [$ssh comm new]
comm::comm send -async $c1 {script...}
comm::comm send -async $c2 {script...}
namespace eval foo {proc x {} {list X}}
snit::type Dog {
option -name "no name";
method bark {} {return "$options(-name) barks."}
comm::comm send $cid [sshcomm::definition ::foo ::Dog]
# Then
$cid foo::x
# => X
$cid Dog d -name Hachi
# ::d
$cid d bark
# => Hachi barks.
sshcomm is only available via git, at least for now. (Please let me know if you know a GitHub workflow to build a tcl package release.) To install the sshcomm library, follow the instructions below.
- Git must be installed on your system.
- You should have a working knowledge of the command-line interface.
Navigate to the root directory of your project. For example,
cd ~/project
. -
If your project is not yet under git version control, run the following command:
git init
Create a
directory within your project:mkdir -p libtcl
git submodule
to add the sshcomm library to your project:git submodule add libtcl/sshcomm
Launch Tclsh:
. -
Add the
directory to the Tcl auto_path:lappend ::auto_path [pwd]/libtcl
. -
Load the sshcomm package:
package require sshcomm
To use sshcomm in your scripts within the project, add the following line before package require sshcomm
lappend ::auto_path [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]/libtcl
Alternatively, you can set the TCLLIBPATH environment variable before running the script, but the method to achieve this depends on your shell (bash, zsh, etc.).
Instead of using package require, you can also use [source]
source [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]/libtcl/sshcomm/sshcomm.tcl
To install sshcomm system-wide, run the following command with administrator permissions:
exec git clone [info library] sshcomm
Note that this method requires system write permission.