An AI-powered SQL query generator that lets users upload an SQL schema and generate complex queries from natural language prompts. Designed with a sleek modern UI, dark/light mode, and a chat-like experience, powered by Gemini AI & Docker.
Upload SQL Schema β Drag & drop SQL schema for metadata extraction
AI-Powered Query Generation β Convert natural language into SQL queries
Real-time Query Execution β Validate AI-generated queries instantly
Chat-like UI β Interactive experience for seamless SQL generation
Dark & Light Mode β Beautiful modern UI with theme toggle
Fully Containerized β Deploy anywhere with Docker
βββ frontend/ # React + Vite UI
β βββ src/
β β βββ assets/ # Static assets (icons, images)
β β βββ components/ # Reusable UI components
β β β βββ ChatWindow.tsx # Chat UI for prompts
β β β βββ FileUpload.tsx # Drag & drop SQL file input
β β β βββ ThemeToggle.tsx # Dark/light mode switch
β β βββ pages/
β β β βββ Home.tsx # Main page
β β βββ App.tsx # Entry point
β β βββ main.tsx # React root
β β βββ styles.css # Global styles
β βββ public/ # Public assets
β βββ index.html # Main HTML file
β βββ vite.config.ts # Vite configuration
β βββ package.json # Dependencies
β βββ tsconfig.json # TypeScript config
βββ backend/ # Node.js + Express API
β βββ routes/
β β βββ upload.ts # File upload API
β β βββ query.ts # SQL query generation API
β βββ controllers/
β β βββ queryController.ts # Handles query generation
β β βββ uploadController.ts # Handles file uploads
β βββ utils/
β β βββ metadataExtractor.ts # Parses SQL schema
β β βββ aiService.ts # Connects to Claude/OpenAI
β βββ server.ts # Main Express server
β βββ package.json # Dependencies
β βββ tsconfig.json # TypeScript config
βββ docker/ # Docker setup
β βββ frontend.Dockerfile # Frontend container
β βββ backend.Dockerfile # Backend container
β βββ docker-compose.yml # Multi-container setup
βββ .gitignore # Ignored files
βββ # Project documentation