This is a draft porting layer between System.Drawing.Graphics and Android.Drawing.Canvas classes.
Its primary use is in MonoAndroid framework.
This layer allows to share the same primitive drawing code between .net Windows Mobile/Windows Phone platforms and Android platform.
AndroidDrawing also contains a trivial implementation of System.Graphics Pen, Color, Brush, Size, SizeF, Rectangle.
// Optional:
Graphics.DeviceDPI = android_dpi;
var g = new Graphics(android_canvas);
// Optional:
g.LineWidth = 2;
g.Flags = Android.Graphics.PaintFlags.AntiAlias;
g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red), 0,0,100,100);
g.DrawText(new Pen(Color.Red), 0,0,100,100);
g.DrawString("Hello Android", new Font("serif", 12, FontStyle.Italic),
new Brush(Color.Black), new RectangleF(0,0,100,100));
g.DrawImage(new Bitmap(100,100), 0, 0);
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