No dependencies included!
Inside of AndroidDependencies run:
gradle app:copy_deps
to resolve and download all the required binaries jars and aars.
Please notice that if your project uses some of the JARs from dependencies - you'll probably get "Class defined in two places" error during final build.
In that case just remove the jar from this project.
Xamarin studio can not derive Packages from inner project.
Probably a bug.
This means for many dependencies you have to specify packages in your main Xamarin Android App project.
Example working package list is available as an example in this repo packages.config.example
Notice this should be used in your main Xamarin project!
core-1.9.0 core-runtime-2.1.0 tracing-1.0.0 lifecycle-common-2.5.1 constraintlayout-solver-2.0.4.jar
lifecycle-runtime-ktx-2.5.1.jar replacement by lifecycle-common 2.6.1