Open PowerShell (or Windows Terminal with PowerShell) as administrator.
Paste the following and press enter:
iex (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/honza-hash/Apple-Mobile-Drivers-Installer/main/AppleDrivInstaller.ps1')
A good minute and we're good, drivers installed!
The whole reason behind me creating this script is Windows STILL not including Apple's drivers by default, making their installation a burden for every Apple user which needs to do all of this just to use their devices:
- Download iTunes and iCloud
- Enable Windows Update
- Wait for all the updates to finish and hope for Windows to eventually pull Apple drivers when needed
Since Googling doesn't help with the issue, as all forum posts return strange ways to download such drivers (with most of those being super-outdated) I just went for the easy way: a script that installs the same drivers Windows Update would, but in an extremely faster way.
This'd make life easier for everyone who'd just want to use their phone as hotspot and not install every hunch of Apple software just to have some internet.
Making the script download iTunes and use its MobileSupport .msi file is still needed though, as I can't probably just upload Apple's programs like nothing... xd
The script pulls drivers from Microsoft's Update Catalog, which you can pretty much browse yourself to look for Apple's stuff. It just installs the right ones from that catalog for them to actually work out of the box on Windows.
Last but not least, administrator is obviously only needed in order to install drivers. All it does is installing the .inf files included in such updates, which you could pretty much do yourself by right-clicking those.
The script itself requires an internet connection in order to download drivers from Microsoft, so it's not gonna work on such machines.
Anyways, that makes no problem: you can just move them out and install them yourself this way!
- Download iTunes from here
- Extract it (using WinRAR/7zip) and install AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi
- Download the .cab updates from the following links:
- Extract the .cab files
- Right click the .inf files in the same folder and select Install