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Grid views #129

merged 12 commits into from
Nov 24, 2023
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Form >> sbSnapshot [
Form >> sbWatchValueMorphFor: aSBWatchValue sized: aSBMorphResizer [

^ (SBWatchValue newContainerMorphFor: aSBWatchValue)
addMorphBack: (SBIcon iconFor: aSBWatchValue watchedValueIdentityHash) asMorph;
addMorphBack: (aSBMorphResizer applyOn: self asMorph);
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Extension { #name : #Morph }
Morph >> sbWatchValueMorphFor: aSBWatchValue sized: aSBMorphResizer [

^ (SBWatchValue newContainerMorphFor: aSBWatchValue)
addMorphBack: (SBIcon iconFor: aSBWatchValue watchedValueIdentityHash) asMorph;
addMorphBack: (aSBMorphResizer applyOn: self sbSnapshot asMorph);
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Extension { #name : #Point }

{ #category : #'*Sandblocks-Babylonian' }
Point >> sbWatchValueMorphFor: aSBWatchValue sized: aSBMorphResizer [

^ (SBWatchValue newContainerMorphFor: aSBWatchValue)
addMorphBack: self asMorph;
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
Class {
#name : #SBCluster,
#superclass : #Morph,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBCluster >> compressedMorphsForDisplay: aSBWatchView [

| displayedMorphs |
displayedMorphs := aSBWatchView displayedMorphs collect: [:aMorph |
aMorph watchValue morphResizer: self morphResizer.
aMorph watchValue asValueMorph].
^ (displayedMorphs size = 1)
ifTrue: [displayedMorphs first]
ifFalse: [self newCellMorph
borderWidth: 0;
when: #clicked send: #exploreValues to: aSBWatchView;
listDirection: #leftToRight;
wrapDirection: #topToBottom;
addAllMorphsBack: displayedMorphs]

{ #category : #initialization }
SBCluster >> initialize [

super initialize.

color: Color transparent;
listDirection: #topToBottom;
vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
hResizing: #shrinkWrap

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCluster >> morphResizer [

^ morphResizer

{ #category : #accessing }
SBCluster >> morphResizer: aSBMorphResizer [

morphResizer := aSBMorphResizer

{ #category : #helper }
SBCluster >> newCellMorph [

^ self morphResizer applyOn: (
Morph new
color: Color transparent ;
borderWidth: 1;
borderStyle: (BorderStyle width: 1 color: (Color gray alpha: 0.3));
listDirection: #topToBottom;
listCentering: #center;
wrapCentering: #center;
hResizing: #rigid;
vResizing: #rigid)

{ #category : #helper }
SBCluster >> newContainerMorph [

^ Morph new
color: Color transparent ;
listDirection: #topToBottom;
hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
cellInset: SBGrid cellInsetValue

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBCluster >> newLeftColumnFrom: aCollectionOfMorphs [

"Height should be set, but width can vary"
^ self newContainerMorph
cellPositioning: #rightCenter;
addAllMorphsBack: (aCollectionOfMorphs collect: [:aMorph |
(self wrapInCell: aMorph flexVertically: false flexHorizontally: true)
listDirection: #rightToLeft;
borderWidth: 0])

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBCluster >> newTopLeftCornerPlaceholder [

^ self newCellMorph

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBCluster >> newTopRowFrom: aCollectionOfMorphs [

"Width should be set, but height can vary"
^ self newContainerMorph
listDirection: #leftToRight;
listCentering: #bottomRight;
cellPositioning: #bottomCenter;
hResizing: #spaceFill;
addAllMorphsBack: (aCollectionOfMorphs collect: [:aMorph |
aMorph rotationDegrees: 90.
(self wrapInCell: aMorph owner flexVertically: true flexHorizontally: false) borderWidth: 0])

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBCluster >> visualize [

| matrix |
self submorphs copy do: #delete.

matrix := self buildDisplayMatrix.
matrix ifEmpty: [ ^ self].

self addAllMorphsBack: {
self newTopRowFrom: (matrix atRow: 1) allButFirst. "ignore placeholder morph"
self newContainerMorph
listDirection: #leftToRight;
cellInset: 0;
addAllMorphsBack: {
self newLeftColumnFrom: (matrix atColumn: 1) allButFirst. "ignore placeholder morph"
SBGrid newDisplaying:
((matrix atRows: 2 to: matrix rowCount columns: 2 to: matrix columnCount)
collect: [:aMorph | self wrapInCell: aMorph])}}

{ #category : #helper }
SBCluster >> wrapInCell: aMorph [

^ self wrapInCell: aMorph flexVertically: false flexHorizontally: false


{ #category : #helper }
SBCluster >> wrapInCell: aMorph flexVertically: aVBoolean flexHorizontally: aHBoolean [

| cell targetExtent|
cell := self newCellMorph.

aVBoolean ifTrue: [cell vResizing: #shrinkWrap].
aHBoolean ifTrue: [cell hResizing: #shrinkWrap].

(((aMorph fullBounds extent <= cell extent)
or: [aVBoolean and: (aMorph fullBounds width <= cell width)])
or: [aHBoolean and: (aMorph fullBounds height <= cell height)])
ifTrue: [cell addMorph: aMorph. ^ cell].

targetExtent := cell extent - (cell borderWidth@cell borderWidth).
aVBoolean ifTrue: [targetExtent setX: targetExtent x setY: aMorph fullBounds height].
aHBoolean ifTrue: [targetExtent setX: aMorph fullBounds width setY: targetExtent height].

self flag: #todo. "Another way besides turning into an image to keep interactions.-jb"
cell addMorph: (ImageMorph new
newForm: (aMorph iconOrThumbnailOfSize: targetExtent);
when: #clicked send: #triggerEvent: to: aMorph with: #clicked).
cell on: #click send: #value to: [cell submorphs first triggerEvent: #clicked].
^ cell
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Class {
#name : #SBExampleCluster,
#superclass : #SBCluster,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #'initialize-release' }
SBExampleCluster class >> newForSize: aSBMorphResizer multiverse: aSBMultiverse displaying: aNumber [

^ self new
morphResizer: aSBMorphResizer;
multiverse: aSBMultiverse;
displayedIndex: aNumber;


{ #category : #visualisation }
SBExampleCluster >> buildDisplayMatrix [

| matrix |
matrix := Matrix
rows: (self multiverse universes first watches size) + 1
columns: self multiverse universes size + 1.

matrix atRow: 1 put: ({self newTopLeftCornerPlaceholder},
(self extractedTopHeadingsFrom: self multiverse)).
matrix atColumn: 1 put: ({self newTopLeftCornerPlaceholder},
(self extractedLeftHeadingsFrom: self multiverse)).

self multiverse universes withIndexDo: [:aUniverse :column |
(self extractRowsFrom: aUniverse) withIndexDo: [:aCellMorph :row|
matrix at: row+1 at: column+1 put: aCellMorph]].

^ matrix

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleCluster >> displayedIndex [

^ displayedIndex

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleCluster >> displayedIndex: aNumber [

displayedIndex := aNumber

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBExampleCluster >> extractRowsFrom: aUniverse [

^ aUniverse watches collect: [:anExample | | display |
display := (anExample exampleToDisplay associations at: self displayedIndex) value display.
self compressedMorphsForDisplay: display]

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBExampleCluster >> extractedLeftHeadingsFrom: aSBMultiverse [

^ (aSBMultiverse universes first watches collect: [:aWatch | aWatch expression copy])

{ #category : #visualisation }
SBExampleCluster >> extractedTopHeadingsFrom: aSBMultiverse [

^ (aSBMultiverse universes collect: [:aUniverse |
self newContainerMorph
addAllMorphsBack: {
SBStringMorph new contents: aUniverse activePermutation asString.
SBButton newApplyPermutationFor: aUniverse activePermutation}])

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleCluster >> multiverse [

^ multiverse

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleCluster >> multiverse: aSBMultiverse [

multiverse := aSBMultiverse
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Class {
#name : #SBExampleGridsView,
#superclass : #SBGridResultsView,
#category : #'Sandblocks-Babylonian'

{ #category : #building }
SBExampleGridsView >> buildAllPossibleResults [

self multiverse activeExamples withIndexDo: [:anExample :anIndex | self buildExampleFor: anIndex]

{ #category : #building }
SBExampleGridsView >> buildExampleFor: aNumber [

gridContainer addMorphBack: (self containerRow cellPositioning: #center;
addAllMorphsBack: {
self containerRow listDirection: #topToBottom;
addAllMorphsBack: {
SBOwnTextMorph new contents: 'example: ', (self multiverse activeExamples at: aNumber) label.
newForSize: morphResizer
multiverse: self multiverse
displaying: aNumber}.
LineMorph from: 0@0 to: 0@50 color: Color black width: 2}).

self updateContainerWidth.

{ #category : #updating }
SBExampleGridsView >> gridObjects [

^ self multiverse activeExamples

{ #category : #initialization }
SBExampleGridsView >> initialize [

super initialize.

self name: 'Example Grid View'.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ SBExampleValueDisplay >> clear [
hadValue := false

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleValueDisplay >> display [

^ display

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleValueDisplay >> displayedWatchValueBlocks [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +97,12 @@ SBExampleValueDisplay >> label: aString [
label contents: aString

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleValueDisplay >> labelMorph [

^ label

{ #category : #layout }
SBExampleValueDisplay >> layoutCommands [

Expand Down
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion packages/Sandblocks-Babylonian/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,12 @@ SBExampleWatch >> exampleStopped: anExample [
exampleToDisplay removeKey: anExample]

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleWatch >> exampleToDisplay [

^ exampleToDisplay

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleWatch >> exampleToDisplay: anExampleToDisplayDict [

Expand All @@ -200,6 +206,12 @@ SBExampleWatch >> exampleToValues: anExampleToCollectionOfObjectsDict [
exampleToValues := anExampleToCollectionOfObjectsDict

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleWatch >> examples [

^ exampleToDisplay keys

{ #category : #accessing }
SBExampleWatch >> expression [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +256,7 @@ SBExampleWatch >> initialize [
exampleToValues := Dictionary new.
watchedExpression := SBStMessageSend new.
dimensionOptions := SBComboBox new
prefix: 'Dimensions: ';
prefix: 'Morph Dimensions: ';
labels: (options collect: #label);
values: options;
object: options third;
Expand Down