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Spotify App Remote for React Native

A react native module for the Spotify Remote SDK.

⚠️ Work In Progress ⚠️

Currently Only Implemented for iOS


Contributing / Opening Issues

If you would like to make a pull request, fork from and merge into the dev branch (or a feature branch) only.

Please do not open issues about getting the module to work unless you have tried using both the example app and the example token swap server. Please make sure you have tried running on the latest react-native version before submitting a bug.


To add the Spotify Remote SDK to your project, cd into your project directory and run the following commands:

npm install --save react-native-spotify-remote
react-native link react-native-spotify-remote
react-native link react-native-events

Next, do the manual setup for each platform:


  1. Manually add the frameworks from node_modules/react-native-spotify-remote/ios/external/SpotifySDK to Linked Frameworks and Libraries in your project settings.

iOS Framework Search paths;

  1. Then add ../node_modules/react-native-spotify-remote/ios/external/SpotifySDK to Framework Search Paths in your project settings see the screenshot below. (By default it won't show the options in XCode so you may need to check all)

iOS Framework Search paths;

In order to support the callback that you will get from the Spotify App you will need to add a url handler to your AppDelegate.m:

#import "AppDelegate.h"

#import <React/RCTBundleURLProvider.h>
#import <React/RCTRootView.h>
#import <RNSpotifyRemote.h>

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)URL options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey, id> *)options
  return [[RNSpotifyRemoteAuth sharedInstance] application:application openURL:URL options:options];



Example Application

This repo contains an Example App which should be the quickest and easiest way to get up and running to try things out. It is using React Hooks (cuz they're pretty cool) and is using a few of the remote API calls. (Will be looking to show use of all of the api calls in the near future).

In Code

Again, I recommend looking at the example app. If you specifically want to see some code that actually does stuff take a look at the App.tsx.

Here's how you would use this library with Typescript (though the same mostly applies to Javascript) and the async/await syntax for promises (Just cuz I like em).

import { 
	auth as SpotifyAuth, 
	remote as SpotifyRemote, 
} from 'react-native-spotify-remote';

// Api Config object, replace with your own applications client id and urls
const spotifyConfig: ApiConfig = {
	scope: ApiScope.AppRemoteControlScope | ApiScope.UserFollowReadScope

// Initialize the library and connect the Remote
// then play an epic song
async function playEpicSong(){
		const token = await SpotifyAuth.initialize(spotifyConfig);
		await SpotifyRemote.connect(token);
		await remote.playUri("spotify:track:6IA8E2Q5ttcpbuahIejO74");
		console.error("Couldn't authorize with or connect to Spotify",err);

Token Swap & Refresh

A server must be running for with endpoints that allow Spotify to authenticate your app.

In order to support the OAuth flow, you need to have a server to support the calls for token swap and refresh. I have included the same server setup defined in the react-native-spotify repo as it does exactly what you need.

See the Server Readme for further instructions.

Additional notes

This module only works for Spotify Premium users.


Big thanks to @lufinkey and all of the great work that he has done in the react-native-spotify repo which was the original source of inspiration & coding patterns for this package.


React Native wrapper around the Spotify Remote SDK






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  • Objective-C 58.8%
  • TypeScript 23.2%
  • Ruby 6.7%
  • JavaScript 5.8%
  • Java 3.3%
  • Python 2.2%