Simple solucion to implement reactdnd without all that complicated code
No need to install react-dnd and all those libs.
This lib was implemented because react-dnd requires much code to be implemented and we had a problem...
implementeing like react-dnd:
connectDragSource(connectDropTarget(<div style={{, opacity }}>{text}</div>))
it requires to wrap component in a <div/>
wich loses parent props, like example:
Antd Radio
<Radio.Group> is the first wrapper and passes props to <Radio/>
tag, so using the native react-dnd would enclose it like this:
<Radio.Group>// would create in code the wrapping <div/>
and would lose the <Radio.Group>
props ... With my wrapper you can do something like this:
import { SortableWrapper, HTML5Backend, DragDropContext } from "./index"
<Radio.Group> // SortableWrapper catches parent props
<SortableWrapper moveCard={this.moveCard}>
<Radio>hellow world1<Radio/>// and passes them to the children
<Radio>hellow world2<Radio/>
<Radio>hellow world3<Radio/>
<Radio>hellow world4<Radio/>
<Radio>hellow world5<Radio/>
</ Radio.Group>
export default DragDropContext(HTML5Backend)(App);
SortableWrapper sacrifices a bit of performance to keep compatible with other libs and pass pros without creating a wrapping <div/>
import { SortableWrapper, HTML5Backend, DragDropContext } from "./index"
<SortableWrapper moveCard={this.moveCard}>
<div>hellow world1<div/>
<div>hellow world2<div/>
<div>hellow world3<div/>
<div>hellow world4<div/>
<div>hellow world5<div/>
export default DragDropContext(HTML5Backend)(App);